Sunday, March 31, 2013

Daily Blend: 03/31/13 – Happy Zombie Jesus Day

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Jesus Christ in Easter Bunny costume
  • There’s something especially hideous about sentencing someone to complete surgical paralysis for a crime they committed as a juvenile a decade ago. (From a US-supported “allied” country, no less.)
    (via @tomgara; RT: @ggreenwald)

  • Cracked has a very solid and informative piece explaining how the causes and nature of gun violence are never as simple as we make them out to be.

  • I am shocked, just as I assume you will be, to learn that the much-ballyhooed “college student suspended for refusing to stomp on Jesus!” story isn’t actually what the wingnuts claim it is.

  • And finally, while I find it odd that Google chose to celebrate Cesar Chavez over Easter, it’s hilarious how utterly incensed the Christianist-Right is getting over it. Gawd forbid a secular company not celebrate their cherished religious holiday!

  • If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.

    The Epic Scenery

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    This entry has been removed from Preliator and can now be found over at Creativitas. (See here for more info.)

    Saturday, March 30, 2013

    Inhuman Soundtrack | 01: Escape from the Chartraine [deprecated]

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    This entry has been removed from Preliator and can now be found over at Creativitas. (See here for more info.)

    Vox Day asks some (dumb) questions about feminism

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    Theodore Beale (aka Vox Day)
    Vox Day

    Amidst reiterating his usual claim that feminists are literally worse than Nazis (because most of them promote abortion rights, and terminating pre-viability fetuses that can’t feel or think is obviously worse than murdering millions of mature adults), Theodore “Vox Day” Beale then presents one of his critics with the following query:

    [T]he statement [that feminists demand that women be immune from any legal repercussions for any breaches of contract, theft, and murder] not only is true, but it can be easily defended. There is no reconciliation necessary to defend it because it is based on straightforward observation. I direct the following questions to A. Man.

    1. Did American women not demand, and do they not presently possess, the right to break marital contracts at will?
    2. Have feminists not defended the right of women to kill men who abuse them?
    3. Does the feminist definition of abuse include non-physical abuse?
    4. Have feminists called for ban on actions that make a woman feel uncomfortable?

    And so, partly to break the tedium of spending all day coaxing recalcitrant audio mixing software into working properly, here I go:

    1. Wait – that’s a bad thing? Forget for a moment about Vox’s apparent wish of stripping women of the right to extract themselves from abusive or loveless unions; the ideals of personal liberty and bodily autonomy alone – which, as a self-professed libertarian, Vox should take particularly to heart – require that people have the right to enter or leave any relationship as they see fit. (Or are women so inferior to the Great Purveyors of XY ChromosomesTM that some fundamental freedoms are just too good for them?)

      Furthermore, how does giving women the right to file for divorce somehow equate to allowing them to break any other contract at will? And when has any feminist ever demanded such a thing? That’s an impressive hybrid of strawman and non-sequitur right there.

    2. What a ridiculously loaded and overbroad statement. It would certainly help to know what the hell he’s on about; but ravings from fringe-dwelling nuts on street corners aside, no, feminists most certainly do not request the right to murder anyone they see fit, except in extreme cases of self-defense (an exception that applies to anyone, not just abused women).

    3. No, Vox, that’s the standard definition of abuse, as employed by anyone, anywhere, ever. Look, it’s in the dictionary and everything:

    Friday, March 29, 2013

    Adrian Finale

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    This entry has been removed from Preliator and can now be found over at Creativitas. (See here for more info.)

    Musical revisionism incoming

    My music

    An unexpected opportunity regarding my musical works that I may or may not be at liberty to discuss at some point in the near future may have presented itself recently. As such, I am now entering my usual routine of rushing to revise and revamp my songs in preparation, updating them with improved sounds and other various tweaks. As a result, this means you may perhaps expect a higher number of bumped musical posts on this here blog for the foreseeable future.

    That is all.

    Man, do I rock this cryptic talk stuff or what.

    Thursday, March 28, 2013

    Teacher offends high-schoolers with talk of vaginas and weather

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    Tim McDaniel
    Tim McDaniel

    In today’s edition of what’s wrong with the US education system:

    A Dietrich[, Idaho] science teacher is being investigated by the state’s professional standards commission after a complaint from parents over his teaching methods.

    Tim McDaniel is being investigated after a complaint was filed by a handful of parents who objected to how McDaniel taught the reproductive system, Dietrich Superintendent Neil Hollingshead said.

    Ooh, looks like we’ve got ourselves a pervert on our hands! Okay, so what did the miscreant do? What unwholesome, inappropriate, child-endangering teachings were forced upon his cherubic audience?

    According to McDaniel, four parents were offended that he explained the biology of an orgasm and included the word “vagina” during his lesson on the human reproductive system in a tenth-grade biology course.

    Oh, the deviant! What other unwholesome things did this fetishist do to those poor, defenseless young’uns?

    According to a letter from the Idaho State Department of Education to McDaniel, the allegations also include that he shared confidential student files with an individual other than their parents, showed a video clip in class depicting an infection of genital herpes, taught different forms of birth control and told inappropriate jokes in class.


    According to McDaniel, the commission is also investigating a complaint that accuses him of using school property to promote a political candidate. The complaint was because he showed the climate change film “An Inconvenient Truth,” also in his science class.

    McDaniel said he includes the film to spark a discussion on climate change among the students. After watching the film, he asks students to write a response paper explaining their thoughts on climate change.

    So he’s a political activist to boot! (Never mind that Al Gore hasn’t been in any elections in 13 years. That’s just no-good facts-talk.)

    Loony Headline of the Day: Alex Jones edition

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    From Alex Jones’s den of hilarious crackpottery:

    Infowars headline: “Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda: Will President order drone strike on White House?”

    And here’s the opening paragraph:

    President Barack Obama is now the global head of Al-Qaeda – bankrolling, arming and equipping terrorists around the world in order to achieve his administration’s geopolitical objectives – while simultaneously invoking the threat of terrorists domestically to destroy the bill of rights.

    You’re welcome.

    (via Joe. My. God.)

    Wednesday, March 27, 2013

    Yahtzee Croshaw’s quasi-definitive review of ‘SimCity’

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    Speaking of awesome web series, here’s Zero Punctuation’s Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw on the superbly polished turd that is the new SimCity [WARNING: Crude language & humor ahead]:

    Transcript: (click the [+/-] to open/close →) [+]

    Until or unless they fix the crippling server issues, allow cities larger than mountaintop villages and – has this been said yet? – add a freaking offline mode (or I find a crack/patch that does all this for them), I’m choosing to double down on SimCity 4 while holding my breath for the next iteration. (Unless EA/Maxis kicks the bucket first, and with the way things are shaping up for them lately, that wouldn’t come as much of a shock.)

    Tuesday, March 26, 2013

    Daily Blend: 03/26/13

    Governor Jack Dalrymple (Republican-North Dakota)
    Gov. Jack Dalrymple (R-ND)

    Applying for an internship/apprenticeship/something at a ranch tomorrow! Wish me luck. (Or a broken leg. However it goes these days.)

  • North Dakota Gov. Dalrymple (R) [pictured] signs law banning abortion at six weeks, presumably planning emergency fund for inevitable court loss. Wonder if he’ll also enact the even worse “personhood” law.
    (via @BreakingNews)

  • Berlin-based company confirms their “atheist”-branded packages take significantly longer to reach their destinations, when they don’t go missing altogether. Looks like the US Postal Service has some explaining to do.

  • Oh, look, it’s another boilerplate, evidence-free diatribe about how “[m]ilitant atheism has become a religion”. (Hemant Mehta tears it apart, as does PZ Myers.)
    (via @religionnews)

  • Vox Day: Egalitarians are “inferior beings” (because some of them sometimes make crude jokes on the Internet).

  • And finally, here’s the trippiest damn water spiral you’ll’ve ever did seen (more info here):

  • If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.

    Nostalgia Critic examines popular dislike of “princess” archetype

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    One of my favorite web series is the Nostalgia Critic, wherein Doug Walker of That Guy With The Glasses plays a cynical, often histrionic reviewer of old-timey flicks and assorted media. Lately, the series has added a recurring, bi-weekly opinion segment where the NC talks about some aspect or other of pop culture and its effects on society in general.

    Today, he put forth a rather thoughtful look at the much-bemoaned “princess” archetype (especially as popularized by Disney) and the lackluster role model it generally provides to young girls. While I don’t agree with every argument he makes and I think he misses a few logical connections, it’s still an interesting and insightful perspective to consider:

    Transcript: (click the [+/-] to open/close →) [+]

    (I have got to start writing shorter summaries …)

    I would personally take it a few steps further than he dared to and posit that one reason for the historical popularity of the “princess” role model, particularly instead of the much more logical role of “queen”, is that it’s essentially another subtle manifestation of that ol’ bugaboo, the patriarchy. It only makes sense for a society that’s long been geared towards emphasizing male dominance in most fields (especially leadership) to depreciate the value and contributions of women in society at large. This would also help explain the long-running trope of the “evil queen”, given the precious few good queen characters that exist in our culture. (I can’t even think of any off the top of my head, though that may well just be my own ignorance showing.)

    The Onion on the Supreme Court on gay marriage

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    Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States

    It seems someone at The Onion has discovered the ability to peer into an alternate reality where today’s Supreme Court hearings on California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act took a more straightforward and commonsensical turn:

    Ten minutes into oral arguments over whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to marry one another, a visibly confounded Supreme Court stopped legal proceedings Tuesday and ruled that gay marriage was “perfectly fine” and that the court could “care less who marries whom.”

    “Yeah, of course gay men and women can get married. Who gives a shit?” said Chief Justice John Roberts, who interrupted attorney Charles Cooper’s opening statement defending Proposition 8, which rescinded same-sex couples’ right to marry in California. “Why are we even seriously discussing this?”

    “Does anyone else up here care about this?” Roberts added as his eight colleagues began shaking their heads and saying, “No,” “Nah,” and “I also don’t care about this.” “Great. Same-sex marriage is legal in the United States of America. Do we have anything of actual import on the docket, or are we done for the day?”

    Seriously, why is this still an issue? The same once went for interracial marriage, and will one day go for polygamy and any other form of interpersonal relationship based on consent. It simply isn’t the government’s business who loves or shacks up with who else, end of story.

    I can only hope to see the day where articles like this are no longer considered satire, but fundamentally and obviously true.

    (via Political Irony)

    Maher on media’s dewy-eyed treatment of Pope Francis

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    For all his faults, no-one’s quite as adept as Bill Maher when it comes to exposing the zaniness of religion and its sycophants. Here he is ripping on the mainstream media’s absurdly lovey-dovey coverage of Pope Francis, treating the 266th self-declared shepherd of humanity as if he were just the most precious thing evar:

    Transcript: (click the [+/-] to open/close →) [+]

    I must take exception to that closing zinger, though. Wikipedia is much more reliable and safer around children than the Catholic Church.

    At any rate, you can tell Maher’s right on by how much froth one can imagine dribbling down Bill Donohue’s jowls in his outraged retort. Funny how he always focuses on how very very offensive the Church’s critics are rather than any of their actual arguments, eh?

    (via Friendly Atheist)

    Saturday, March 23, 2013

    NYC Mayor Bloomberg reaffirms his disregard for privacy rights

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    Mayor Michael Bloomberg (New York City, NY; Independent)
    NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I)

    New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has long been renowned for sacrificing privacy rights and personal liberty on the altar of health and security, and now he’s gone and revealed just how many damns he doesn’t give about people’s concerns for his fantasized nanny/surveillance state:

    Envisioning a future where privacy is a thing of the past, Mayor Bloomberg said Friday it will soon be impossible to escape the watchful eyes of surveillance cameras and even drones in the city.

    He acknowledged privacy concerns, but said “you can’t keep the tides from coming in.”

    “You wait, in five years, the technology is getting better, they’ll be cameras everyplace . . . whether you like it or not,” Bloomberg said.

    The security measures have drawn scorn from some civil libertarians — but Bloomberg scoffed at privacy concerns on his Friday morning program on WOR-AM.

    “The argument against using automation is just this craziness that 'Oh, it’s Big Brother,’” Bloomberg said. “Get used to it!”

    It’s one thing to claim that the rise of automated surveillance technology is perhaps inevitable, but it’s quite another to so openly embrace and exacerbate it under the thin guise of public safety.

    It continually disturbs me just how many people act like Orwellianism is an ideal rather than a cautionary tale.

    (via @BuzzFeedAndrew)

    Doggycide Roundup: 03/23/13

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    Dog chalk outline
  • Midwest City, OK (uncertain date): Bounty hunter shoots & kills “aggressive” family black Lab, then tazes its distraught owner in the chest.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Indianapolis, IN (uncertain date): Typically sparse police report states dog was shot and killed during an investigation into a shooting that left two men hospitalized.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Rochester, NY (?03/15/13?): Patrolling officer reportedly shoots & wounds Choco the pitbull terrier after apparently confusing his excitement for aggressiveness. Family stuck with $1,200 vet bill.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Delta, British Columbia, CA (03/16/13): Officers on a routine patrol reportedly attacked by two pitbulls, use a baton to force one to flee and shoot & kill the other. Officers treated for injuries. All seems to indicate a proper escalation of force.
    (via Rob F)

  • Newport, VA (03/20/13): Pitbull shot by police and later euthanized by owner after allegedly “nipped” two children.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Allamakee County, IA (03/20/13): Another spotty police report says deputy shot & killed “attack[ing]” “pitbull” during drug raid. Lots of arguing in the comments.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Statistics:
    Shootings: 6 · Victims: 7 · Deceased: 5 · Survivors: 2 · Power Breeds*: 5

    EDIT: 03/24/13 1:17 PM ET – Edited to add clickable “hidden note” for “Power Breeds”.

    The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense

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    Crispian Jago once again shows us how it’s done (classifying irrational nonsense, that is):

    “The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense” (by Crispian Jago)
    [full size (984×1075)]

    I think I want a poster of this even more than of his “Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense”. Though, I have to quibble with some of the overlapping (or lack thereof) – isn’t all pseudo-medical quackery a part of pseudoscience by definition, with all the bullshit explanations drawn up to bolster them (and excuse their invariable failure)? And Christianity’s “faith healing” component should arguably grant it a spot right by Scientology’s side. But I’m just nitpicking at this point.

    Seriously, posters. Make them happen.

    (via Friendly Atheist)

    Friday, March 22, 2013

    Daily Blend: 03/22/13

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    Richard Littlejohn
    Richard Littlejohn
  • Today in “there ought to be a hell”: Fuckbrained bigot Richard Littlejohn [pictured] and trash-rag extraordinaire Daily Mail succeed in blithely bullying a transgender schoolteacher into killing herself.
    (via Pharyngula)

  • Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) officially signs civil unions bill.
    (via @breakingpol; RT: @BreakingNews)

  • Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear (D) vetoes “Religious Freedom Act” that would’ve permitted anti-gay discrimination based on bigots’ “sincerely held religious beliefs”. Expect wingnut heads to commence exploding shortly.
    (via Joe. My. God.)

  • PZ Myers is dead on: Adria Richards did everything exactly right. It’s amazing how many men can’t stomach the idea of being called out publicly for misbehaving in public.

  • Pope Francis comes out swinging against Catholic Church’s track record with covering up clerical child abuse. Now to see if his actions match up with his words.
    (via @BuzzFeedAndrew)

  • And finally, why is it still such a shock (to some) that women can be science aficionados, too?

  • If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.

    North Dakota trumps itself, now wants to ban all abortions

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    Abortion: My Mind, My Body, My Choice

    This is getting ridiculous. Just two weeks ago, the Republican-controlled North Dakota Legislature passed a bill banning abortion at a mere twelve weeks, well before fetal viability and in direct violation of Roe v. Wade. Then, just a week later, they trumped themselves by becoming the first to pass a “fetal heartbeat” bill banning abortion at only six weeks, before many women even suspect they may be pregnant.

    Well, it appears they still aren’t happy that the occasional lucky woman might still be able to enjoy some reproductive agency, as they’ve now decided to try and just ban abortion outright:

    Lawmakers on Friday took a step toward outlawing abortion altogether in the state by passing a so-called personhood resolution that says a fertilized egg has the same right to life as a person. The House's approval sends the matter to voters, who will decide whether to add the wording to the state's constitution in November 2014.

    It's one of several anti-abortion measures to pass the Legislature. Most are awaiting the signature of Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple, who hasn't yet indicated whether he supports the laws. Even if he were to veto them, some could have the support for the Legislature to override him.

    I can’t be the only one to find grim amusement in the irony of patriarchal ideologues declaring that mere eggs should have all the rights and protections they’re trying to strip from actual adult women who simply want to make their own decisions regarding their well-being, can I?

    There’s little in Gov. Dalrymple’s record to indicate which way he swings on abortion rights in general, though he appears to be a consummate Republican in just about everything, which isn’t exactly reassuring. At any rate, should he enact these laws, it’s all but guaranteed that they’d meet certain doom in the inevitable court battles to ensue, given how very clear the Supreme Court made their view in 1973. It’s almost like Republicans enjoy a good spanking by the courts these days … which, given how many of their “traditional values” hypocrites end up making headlines for their quirky bedroom proclivities, is comedic fodder all on its own.

    Who knows; there may just be hope for the state’s lone functioning abortion clinic yet.

    (via @BreakingNews)

    Washington drug dogs retrained to ignore marijuana

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    Drug-sniffing dog

    Sign of the times: Drug-sniffing dogs are about to have a lot more free time in Washington State now that recreational pot has been legalized, as police departments are already starting to adapt their training:

    The passage of I-502 made things difficult enough for the humans tasked with creating and enforcing the laws for legal marijuana. Now, try explaining the difference between "personal use" and "intent to sell" or the gray area between state and federal law to a dog.

    That's why many law-enforcement agencies around the state, including the Seattle Police Department and Washington State Patrol, will no longer be training their drug-sniffing dogs to alert for marijuana.

    “Moving forward, it makes most sense not to train dogs to alert to marijuana as that would likely lead to unwarranted investigatory detentions of people who are not breaking any law," said Alison Holcomb, author of I-502 and drug policy director for the American Civil Liberties Union.

    The Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys sent out a memo advising the state's law-enforcement agencies that narcotics dogs are no longer required to be trained to alert for marijuana in December. And, marijuana was removed from the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission's Canine Performance Standards test in January.

    Such a move is made particularly relevant in the wake of the gob-smackingly bad Supreme Court ruling in February that essentially declared drug-detection dogs to be “probable cause on a leash” despite their craptacular track record (which often results from human vice).

    Thursday, March 21, 2013

    Sen. Chambliss won’t marry a gay, so neither should you

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    Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia)
    Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)

    From Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), affirming the typical Republican line on LGBT marriage equality:

    When asked if his views had changed on gay marriage, the Georgia Republican quipped: “I’m not gay. So I’m not going to marry one.”

    Who ever asked you to? And furthermore, why should your personal decision extend to everyone else, gays and lesbians included?

    Woman fired for denouncing misbehavior at tech conference

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    Adria Richards, a technology “evangelist” for email marketing firm SendGrid, was attending a developer conference when two men seated behind her began reportedly began making crude sexual jokes. Eventually having enough of this, Richards saw fit to snap their picture and call them out on Twitter:

    After someone made a comment about forking a software repository, the two allegedly began making jokes about forking in a sexual manner and “big dongles.” After listening for some time, Richards got fed up, took a picture of the two, and posted it to Twitter:

    The result: Playhaven “conducted a thorough investigation”, which led to one of the men being fired.

    Wednesday, March 20, 2013

    Daily Blend: 03/20/13

    Representative Louie Gohmert (Republican-Texas)
    Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
  • Happy tenth anniversary to the clusterfuck in Iraq and the spoon-fed lies that got the US populace to go along with it.

  • Another underage victim blamed for being raped by football players. Some people are just fucking sick.

  • Why is it that so many of those in charge of laws pertaining to computers and the Internet are absolute morons about computers and the Internet? (Though, to be fair, Rep. Gohmert (R-TX) [pictured] is usually wrong about everything.)

  • Another day, another blatantly dishonest global-warming-denying article from a renowned crank in a Daily Mail-associated tabloid.

  • I’m really embarrassed by fellow progressives’ penchant for nanny statism at times. Is it really that hard to commit to the ideal of personal freedom even if it means allowing people to make unhealthy choices?

  • Faithlessness is healthy and growing in Canada.

  • More of that Christian LoveTM, this time in Nova Scotia, Canada.

  • If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    Vox Day: Indian rapes the fault of feminism and too many men

    Theodore Beale (aka Vox Day)
    Vox Day

    Here’s Theodore “Vox Day” Beale’s predictably charming take on reports that sexual crime appears to be getting worse in India. Guess who gets the blame (if not the actual criminals, of course):

    Note that the problem in India is actually getting considerably worse despite the advance of sexual equality in Indian society that the feminists believe will solve everything. As we've learned to expect, feminism wreaks societal devastation even in the process of supposedly offering a means of improvement. In this case, it is the pro-abortion position that is leading to more rapes in India.

    "According to the decennial Indian census, the sex ratio in the 0-6 age group in India went from 104.0 males per 100 females in 1981, to 105.8 in 1991, to 107.8 in 2001, to 109.4 in 2011. The ratio is significantly higher in certain states such as Punjab and Haryana (126.1 and 122.0, as of 2001)."

    Damn those evil Westerners and their pro-women, abortion-promulgating ways!

    I am curious to know, though, if Vox has any mechanism to propose – any at all – that would explain how or why a barely perceptible increase in men over the last few decades should excuse, justify, or even explain coherently, the sudden spike in sexual violence against women. Do they all just release excess testosterone into the air, which combines with greenhouse gases to drive male libidos upwards whilst ratcheting down their moral standards?

    Or better yet, why do some people insist on twisting all sense and reason in order to blame biology for what is inherently a behavioral problem caused by a culture wrought with regressive sexual attitudes resulting from lacking education and insufficient law enforcement?

    But leave it to Vox to find the silver lining:

    The world is quite fortunate that India's excess male population appears to be inclined to occupy itself in pursuit of gang rape, considering that the more customary outlet is foreign invasion.

    Yes, a (presumably, if not always evidently) thinking and feeling human being actually wrote that. The mind boggles.

    You know, I have a hypothesis for why so few of Vox’s critics bother to refute him anymore – they’re just too goddamned embarrassed to share the same taxonomic classification as this glorified neanderthal to be able to stomach his revolting spiel for any amount of time. (Lucky for SIWOTI-afflicted masochists like yours truly, I suppose.)

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Top 10 reasons to make gay marriage illegal [updated]

    Same-sex marriage

    This has been floating around the Web for years (here’s the earliest version I could find), but I thought it was funny and worth sharing here (slightly retouched by yours truly):

    01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

    02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people encourages you to be tall.

    03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets, because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

    04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all, just like many of the principles on which this great country was founded: Women are still property, Blacks still can’t marry Whites, and divorce is still illegal.

    05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage is allowed; the sanctity of marriages like Britney Spears’s 55-hour, just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

    06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.

    07) Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

    08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in America.

    09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents from raising children.

    10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms, just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

    A potent blend of irony and common sense is always so refreshing, is it not?

    (via A Femboy Called Jeremie [NSFW])

    UPDATE: 03/19/13 1:17 PM ET —

    Rob F points to this being the original, dating back to 2004. Practically Precambrian, wot.

    Sunday, March 17, 2013

    Daily Blend: 03/17/13

    Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier
    Card. Wilfrid Napier
  • Predictably, the Canadian Government’s decision to lay off all non-Christian prison chaplains has already resulted in a lawsuit.

  • Public Shaming offers these handy guides on how to thoroughly void your Decent Human Being card.
    (via @MotherJones)

  • In the category of “a first for everything”, I defend a clergyman’s [pictured] remarks about pedophilia from someone who apparently can’t distinguish between a sexual paraphilia and the actual act of child abuse.

  • And finally, here’s another month’s worth of refutations to the claim that religious people are more moral:
    (via Friendly Atheist)

  • Highlights: (click the [+/-] to open/close →) [+]

    If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.

    Saturday, March 16, 2013

    Doggycide Roundup: 03/16/13

    | Leave a comment »
    Timber (part collie, left) & Harley (part bull mastiff)
    Timber & Harley (RIP)
  • Double-hit in Châteauguay, Qc, Canada (02/27/13): Animal control fail to disentangle two dogs [pictured] (without any equipment), call in police, who promptly shoot & kill both. Turns out they were just caught on a chain.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Double-header in Ogden, UT (unknown & 03/08/13): Officers shoot & kill dogs in two separate incidents, with confusing mix of excuses and eyewitness testimonials.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Averted in Boston, MA (03/12/13): Off-duty officer draws her gun when unleashed dog approaches her pug “in an aggressive manner” in a dog park.
    (via Dogs Shot by Police | Facebook)

  • Statistics:
    Shootings: 3
    Victims: 4
    Deceased: 4 (100%)
    Survivors: 0 (0%)
    Pitbull index: 0 (0%)

    Friday, March 15, 2013

    Daily Blend: 03/15/13

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    Senator Rob Portman (Republican-Ohio)
    Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)
  • Catholic Church in Joliet, Illinois forced to release thousands of internal documents that “reportedly show every bishop since the 1950s has been aware of diocese priests sexually abusing children”. I can hear Bill Donohue preparing his “old news” stamp already.
    (via @jennifurret)

  • Ironically named National Vaccination Information Center launches anti-vaccination billboards in four states. Not sure why Phil Plait expects the same company that proudly hosts Rush Limbaugh to apologize for, well, anything.

  • Why police officers shouldn’t be automatically believed (especially by the courts).

  • Republican Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio) [pictured] becomes latest example that the best way to get someone to drop their homophobia is for them to know a gay person.
    (via Joe. My. God. & @BuzzFeedAndrew)

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    North Dakota to pass strictest anti-abortion law yet? [updated]

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    Abortion: My Mind, My Body, My Choice

    Only last week, Arkansas Republicans made headlines by overriding their governor’s veto and becoming the first to pass a “fetal heartbeat bill” banning abortion at only 12 weeks (and only a week after setting the limit at 20 weeks). I guess one couldn’t expect North Dakota to take such an affront lying down, though, because anti-choice lawmakers there may now be about to prohibit women from terminating a pregnancy they might not even know they have [original emphasis]:

    Republican lawmakers are advancing a “fetal heartbeat” measure to outlaw the procedure after just six weeks of pregnancy, before many women even realize they’re pregnant, and they expect to have enough support to push it though:

    House Bill 1456 would make it a felony for a doctor to perform a nonemergency abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which can be as early as five or six weeks. House Bill 1305 would prohibit abortions sought because a fetus has been or could be diagnosed with any genetically inherited defect, disease or disorder.

    The Republican-led state Senate will vote today on the measures, said state Representative Bette Grande of Fargo, who co-sponsored the bills in the Republican-controlled House, where both have passed. Grande said she expects the Senate to approve both and the governor, also a party member, to sign them.

    This measure would also necessitate more state-sanctioned rape by unwanted and medically pointless transvaginal ultrasound to detect that fetal heartbeat in the first place. Meanwhile, anti-choice legislators are trying to cram through even more restrictions on women’s reproductive healthcare, including against some forms of contraception. And all this in a state that only has one functioning abortion clinic to begin with … at least until Republicans manage to shut it down, too.

    Why don’t they just come out and challenge the Supreme Court to a fistfight already? They could hardly make their contempt for Roe v. Wade more apparent as it is.

    UPDATE: 03/15/13 2:40 PM ET —

    The bill has passed.