Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Regulated rights are not violated rights


Why is it that so many who likely agree that prohibiting people from making death threats or yelling “fire” in a crowded theater are reasonable limits to the First Amendment also believe that any restrictions on what firearms the masses should be allowed to tote are a violation of the Second Amendment? Ruben Bolling explores:

‘The NRA of counter-Earth's extremist view of the first amendment’ | the Tom the Dancing Bug Comic Strip (by Ruben Bolling)
by Ruben Bolling

Transcript: (click the [+/-] to open/close →) [+]

Legal rights and protections are not universal guarantees, and nor should they be. There are reasonable exceptions to any rule, and anyone who opposes that is, by definition, unreasonable (and most likely some sort of fundamentalist zealot).

(via Political Irony)