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Topographical carpet [source: Gizmodo] |
At roughly 1 PM, I’m leaving to see my maternal grandfather in the hospital. He’s suffering from a blocked valve in his heart; basically, the heart’s pumping, but the blood’s not circulating as it should. He’s doing okay for the moment (he’s awake and lucid), but surgery has been ruled out due to his age (nearly 80, I believe, and there would be a 99.9% likelihood that he stays on the operating table) and the doctors are seeking alternate treatment methods for now. Even still, chances are unavoidably high that he won’t get out of the hospital this time … so this may be the last time I see him. We’ll see. Meanwhile, here’s your Daily Blend, you fartknockers.
Sleazy conservative “Digg Patriots” storm Digg to drown out articles from liberal/progressive websites and blogs. Once again showing how conservatives’ definition of such terms as “Patriots” (along with “Family” and “Liberty”) are always reliably in need of a dictionary check-up.
Home-schooled children are smarter! … According to a study whose methodology would make any statistician (or logical person) facepalm.
Vox Day: Conservative women are smarter and more patriotic than liberals, liberal girls are angry and self-righteous hags. Stay classy and smart, Vox.
The 6 Most Misguided Causes Ever Made Famous by Celebrities. Where #1 really is the #1.
Movie body counts.
(via @ebertchicago)The Gaga plague is spreading.
(via Fark)Topographical carpet [pictured] goes 3D.
(via Fark)Earth-shattering study shows that people essentially keep the same personalities growing up.
(via Fark)Coolest running animation you’ll see today.
(via Fark)
As always, if you have any story suggestions, feel free to send them in.
Tags: Digg • Digg Patriots • conservative • conservatives • social networking • home-school • home-schooling • Vox Day • woman • women • liberal • liberals • celebrity • celebrities • Jenny McCarthy • movie • body count • body counts • Lady Gaga • fashion • carpet • carpets • animation • animations