Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Women for Rick Santorum: Gifts from God

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A couple of weeks ago, Republican presidential candidate and professional fundagelical Rick Santorum created some waves when he called pregnancies that result from rape a “broken gift from God”. Now, I somehow neglected to blog about it, so instead, here’s an excellent response from comedy group The Partisans:

My transcript: (click the [+/-] to expand/collapse →) []

WOMAN 1: I have a busy workday. I make tough calls for my team all day long. So when it comes to my body, I’d rather someone else did the heavy thinking.

VOICE-OVER: Women For Santorum.

WOMAN 2: Rick says rape victims should accept what God’s given them. So when life gives you rape, make rape-ade.

WOMAN 3: Something that someone forcibly puts into your body is a gift from God.

Woman 3 has a jagged sword stuck in her skull.

WOMAN 3: And no, I won’t take the Viking sword out of my head.

WOMAN 4: A baby from rape is a gift from God.

WOMAN 5: And it’s never polite to look a rape-horse in the mouth.

WOMAN 6: Rick Santorum believes that even married couples should have limited access to contraception. Ah, finally, someone who takes away all the worry about when to have kids or how many!

WOMAN 6’S HUSBAND: Wait, what?

VOICE-OVER: Rick Santorum. Ladies, don’t worry your pretty little heads about nothin’.

All I have to say about this is … that’s not a Viking sword, dangit.

(via Friendly Atheist)