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Hey, my Internet connection didn’t fuck with me this morning! Must be the first of what will (hopefully) be a series of miracles. Now, tell me Frasier is returning to the air! Eh? … Eh?
This could come in handy now and again. Go ahead, earn yours today!
(via Diaphanitas)Current Connecticut law has a statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases preventing victims from filing a lawsuit past 30 years after their 18th birthday (ie. when they turn 48). The State Legislature is trying to remove that statute of limitations. Guess who’s fighting tooth-and-nail against this move and is encouraging its followers to do so as well? Of course – the Catholic Church. Bonus quote: “The proposed change to the law would put ‘all Church institutions, including your parish, at risk’”. At risk from what – having a bunch of child molesters discovered in your parishes? Oh my, is that a confession?
Creotard Kurt Zimmerman is trying to get schools in Knoxville, Tennessee to drop their biology textbooks because they call Creationism a “myth” (which is accurate in every sense of the word). The school board has delayed any action for the moment, perhaps hoping this moron and his Bible-thumping indignation will go away.
Hemant Mehta responds to whiny Christian Nathan Campbell (the one behind that “5 Things That Would Make Atheists Seem Nicer” crap) on the subject of Christians commenting on atheist blogs. In short: don’t try to be a pissy evangelist, and it’s all cool.
Boston Review article on the needless mass killing of perfectly good and healthy dogs, just because they belong to the wrong breeds. My thoughts: people need to stop judging dogs based on their fucking breed. It’s absolutely no different from racism with humans. It’s the exact same thing. As an example, the article refers to a case where 57 American pit bull terriers were seized and then destroyed in March 2005, many of which were puppies and none of which sported any sign of dogfighting. Which is exactly what the owners were charged with, 48 times over. Charges that they were eventually acquitted of, some 3½ years afterwards in October 2008.
(via The Daily Grail)Britney Spears (hey, keep reading!) releases special photos of herself, before and after airbrushing and Photoshopping. Nothing new, but still a good reminder.
(via @jennifurret)You thought the Itawamba County, Mississippi was a retarded locale? Walthall County – still in Mississippi – still has segregated schools. 55 years after segregation has been criminalized. Seriously. What is it with Mississippi and bigoted retardation?
(via @todayspolitics)Barn owls. Live feed. The awesomeness.
(via @DorsetWildlife / RT by @Martynnorris)You know all those governmental and law enforcement analyses and alarmist estimates on how much “media piracy” damages the economy and whatnot? Yeah, they’re all completely bogus and the true impact of piracy has been shown to be simply too difficult to quantify. Not to mention that, piracy simply doesn’t effect the economy as a whole, as filesharing simply allows the “pirate” to spend his disposable income elsewhere. It’s merely a different redistribution of money.
(via @todayspolitics)
As always, if you have any story suggestions, feel free to send them in.