Monday, September 14, 2009

Anti-abortion group trying to outlaw all birth control under the sun in Florida

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Here we go again. Some idiotic “pro-lifer” group in Florida, called “Personhood Florida” (foreshadowing name much?), is now launching a religion-fueled movement to try and save those poor little embryos babies from abortion murder. How stupid noble of them.

How, you ask? Easy: by categorically outlawing every single contraceptive method in existence, including condoms, pills (both the once-a-month and Plan B types), and so forth.

The amendment seeks to outlaw all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. Also criminalized: the morning-after pill and oral contraceptives taken by women, known as the pill. "There are some (birth control) methods that kill a child," said Pat McEwan, who is leading the Personhood Florida group.

Right. Because the lives of zygotes – you know, meaningless clumps of cells that could, potentially, some day, become a child? – are worth far more than the suffering through which mothers-to-be pass following rape.

Disgusting creeps.

At a press conference in Tallahassee, speakers blamed abortion for the financial insolvency of Social Security and the bankruptcy of American auto manufacturers, citing the millions of terminated pregnancies since Roe. v. Wade as costing the nation citizens and customers.

Hey, abortion is responsible for the failing economy! What next can you pin on the termination of unfair and/or unwanted pregnancies? Climate change? Political tensions? Potholes? (Republicans?)

Mercifully, this dumbass amendment has a very, very steep slope to climb if it is to get any steam. First, it needs the signatures of over 670,000 supporters, which is crazy difficult for even the most reasonable of movements. Then, it would need to be voted on by over 60% of Floridans. Thankfully, I don’t think Florida denizens are that insane yet, so this amendment simply has no chance in hell of every coming to power. For now.

(via God is for Suckers!)
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