Here are some photos from the latest round of those laughably inane “tea parties” that pass for protests amongst Republican ranks these days. If a picture is worth a thousand words, these are worth a thousand curses:
![“Do I ‘look’ like I want to ‘serve’ in Obama's Nazi youth militia? Arrest our communist, racist, facsist, lying, president NOW for treason!!” [sic]](
Wow. Whoever wrote that clearly did their homework, as far as dredging up just about every single stupid accusation ever launched against Obama goes.
And speaking of homework …
![Stupid kid with T-shirt: “The cure for Obama Communism [soviet symbol] Is a New Era of McCarthyism”](
… isn’t it fitting for this poor brainwashed kid’s age range?
I dunno about you, but I’ve already just about had my fill with this moronity. One last bit of stupidity:
![Sign saying “[O]h S#!t – It’s 1939 Germany all over again – Obama’s HR 3200 = Hitlers T4”](
There. You’re free to go bleach your eyeballs now.
(via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)
Technorati tags: teabagging · tea parties · Republicans · stupidity