Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Now THIS is something I'd love to see


I'm talking about this, here:

The stupidest woman in American politics (and possibly global politics, too), running for the Top Job ... That's something anyone who blogs, comments or generally expresses their not-so-humble opinions on socio-political matters would kill for. (Hell, it's already got this particular heathen praying.)

The article is nothing but congratulatory logorrhea, but in essence, here are her accredited "achievements" (*breaks into fit of silent giggles*):

  • She's repealed the Goals 2000 program across Minnesota, which intended to overhaul the failing school systems with goals such as increasing literacy levels, offering helpful programs to teachers and students, etc.;
  • She's determined to remove the federal government from schools and similar institutions, despite being obviously and totally clueless as to why the gov't is there to begin with;
  • She's battled "feverishly" against such things as, to name a few: global warming prevention initiatives, abortion, same-sex marriage and nationalized healthcare;
  • She's fought to repeal the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which imposes simple measures such as converting incandescent lightbulbs to compact fluorescents (can't have people using cheaper and more efficient lights, can she now?);
  • She's attacked the AmeriCorps program, which aims to ameliorate education and environmental standards and awareness (and this, with the irony of her own son joining Teachers for America (TfA), a subsidiary of AmeriCorps);
  • She's refusing to answer simple Census questions, which in addition to being incredibly silly, is illegal as they are, contrary to her ignorant claims, quite obligatory; and
  • Finally, she believes she's being attacked for being "effective" – 'nuff said.

But in the end, like a true Christian Republican nut, the sole determining factor of whether she runs for presidency or not (or so she says) is attributed to ...

"If I felt that's what the Lord was calling me to do, I would do it," she answered. "When I have sensed that the Lord is calling me to do something, I've said yes to it. But I will not seek a higher office if God is not calling me to do it. That's really my standard.

"If I am called to serve in that realm I would serve," she concluded, "but if I am not called, I wouldn't do it."

Oh, God. Oh, dear God, please. Please make this a reality. You can not deprive us bloggers and commenters from the unbelievable opportunity for hilarity that a months-long campaign during which the kook would spout idiocy from a pedestal, would be. That would be cruel even compared to all that shit you did in the Old Testament. Seriously, if you love us at all, you'll do this for us: call Michele Bachmann to run for President.

This would be the single craziest day in American history.

(via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)