Monday, May 13, 2013

Minnesota passes gay marriage!

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Same-sex marriage

How’s this for a glorious turnaround? The same state that only months ago was deciding whether to impose a constitutional ban atop its existing laws against same-sex marriage now has the bicameral vote – and the governor’s promised signature – to grant marriage equality to LGBT folk:

With deafening cheers and overwhelming emotion, the Minnesota Senate voted 37-30 to legalize same-sex marriage.


The measure next moves to Gov. Mark Dayton, who will welcome it with his signature in a celebratory ceremony at 5 p.m. Tuesday.

Once it is signed, Minnesota will become the twelfth state to legalize same sex-marriage.

Yet one more state joins the right side of history. How long before the rest of the country – and someday, the civilized world at large – does the same?

(via @breakingpol; RT: @BreakingNews)