Thursday, February 14, 2013

Daily Blend: Thursday, February 14, 2013

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Dr. Callan Bentley (Assistant Professor of Geology, Northern Virginia Community College
Dr. Callan Bentley
  • Information is Beautiful reveals the horrible state of rape prosecution in the UK, where only 1.5% of all estimated rapes end with a conviction.

  • Illinois Senate votes to approve same-sex marriage, sends bill to Democrat-controlled House where passage is virtually guaranteed.

  • Florence, AZ high-schooler suspended for using photo of a gun as desktop wallpaper on his school-issued laptop.
    (via @radleybalko)

  • And finally, geology professor Callan Bentley [pictured] graciously provides an ID/Creationist with a head-spinning scientific smackdown.
    (via @BadAstronomer)

  • If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.