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It’s not as if we needed more evidence that a large motivator behind the raging anti-feminism/anti-Atheist+ divide that’s thrown swaths of the atheo-skeptic movement into turmoil is latent sexism mixed with garden-variety assholery. But watch them continue to crawl out of the woodwork every time someone dares point out an example of inappropriate conduct as if their very sense of manhood were under attack by the Jackbooted Feminist Posse.
Meanwhile, it appears that Jennifer McCreight, whose blog is still on hiatus after having been driven away by all the unspeakable vitriol thrown her way by victims of hurt male pride, has effectively become the new lightning rod aside Skepchick Rebecca Watson, a useful (if horribly Pyrrhic) role for attracting all the hate-spewing riffraff that infests the godless community. Here’s what happened as a result of Jen posting this benign tweet yesterday:
Apparently my day is going to start by walking by a homeless man masturbating in public #ugh
— Jennifer McCreight (@jennifurret) October 9, 2012
Immediately, the forces of unreason descended upon her by proclaiming Masturbating Homeless Guy’s (MHG) right to jerk it in public:
@jennifurret where is he going to masturbate, at home?
— David Shallot (@davidshallot) October 9, 2012
@jennifurret precisely where do you expect a homeless man to do that? You walked through his bedroom, sort of.
— Andrew Hunter (@hunterstheorem) October 9, 2012
It’s apparently inconceivable to these people that MHG might have had the option to relocate to a more secluded area for his intimate business. Of course, there’s the possibility that he was mentally ill, or perhaps gets off on exhibitionism, but the point remains that what he did was grossly inappropriate (not to mention illegal) and that being without a home, tragically unjust as it is, doesn’t magically result in the total loss of basic human decency.
An annoyed Jen responded:
I can't believe how many men are defending masturbating homeless dude to me like masturbation is a divine right or necessary for survival
— Jennifer McCreight (@jennifurret) October 9, 2012
Heaven forbid I want to walk to work without someone watching me as they masturbate without my consent
— Jennifer McCreight (@jennifurret) October 9, 2012
And here’s where things get really stupid:
@jennifurret ...and the right not to see shit you don't like is divinely mandated and essential to *your* survival?
— Lucy Wainwright (@Whoozley) October 9, 2012
Because everyone should totally be okay with seeing some random dude wank in plain sight of passers-by.
@jennifurret He's homeless, and you're attacking him on twitter. He's a real victim; not a fake one like you. Ms. Privilege.
— Sam (@Deadite_Sam) October 10, 2012
It’s now an expression of “privilege” not to be okay with strangers exposing themselves on the street? And again, this idiot doesn’t seem to think that there’s anywhere else in the city where people could do things without being in plain sight of regular commuters.
And then, of course, we have the ever-rational and not-at-all-pathologically-obsessed anti-Atheist+ brigade, who reacts to Jen’s displeasure with direct exhibitionism with all the integrity and charm we’ve come to know them by:
Homeless ppl: buy a home if u want to jerk off. #atheismplus twitter.com/jennifurret/st…
— Atheism++ (@AtheismPlusPlus) October 9, 2012
.@atheismplusplus Wait. I just remembered @jennifurret was the mastermind behind BoobQuake: youtube.com/watch?v=FQUPO2… What a fucking hypocrite.
— Doctor Faustus (@AtheistColitis) October 10, 2012
The lovely @jennifurret's bio says she's perverted. Maybe that's why she can't stop talking about homeless men jerking off. #AtheismPlus
— Doctor Faustus (@AtheistColitis) October 10, 2012
@jennifurret Those poor people are garbage.And Ophelia says they smell too #atheismplus #pudgypinkprincesses #myboyfriendletmeusecomputeryay
— felch grogan (@felch_grogan) October 10, 2012
@jennifurret You claim to be a social justice warrior yet you have no compassion for the truly downtrodden. #atheismplus
— BreadGod (@BreadGod1) October 10, 2012
Homeless men with a mental illness are disgusting to @jennifurret #atheismplus #socialjustice
— Daniel Waddell (@danielwaddell17) October 10, 2012
Why didn't Jen give this homeless man a hand? #ftbullies #atheismplus freezepage.com/1349891523DERT…
— Watson-Rodrigues (@ElevatorGATE) October 10, 2012
There are some days when even the staunchest pacifist just yearns to give in to their inner barbarian and go all Homer Simpson on these assholes. Apparently, in the grotesque caricature of reality they inhabit, accidentally launching a satirical protest concerning female body parts bars her from ever having the right to complain about unwanted indecent exposure by anyone else ever again. And doing so just means she hates homeless and mentally ill people. Because she vaguely mentioned some dude on Twitter without identifying him and described an inappropriate (and, again, illegal) act he committed in public.
Bastions of rational thinking, aren’t they?
And of course, when Jen had the sheer gall to call them out for continuing to harass her despite her chronic depression (on World Mental Health Day, no less):
@jennifurretI know the feeling...you're a major part of the drama. I'm so sick of atheistplussers like you!Take a very long break!
— Kevin K Colquitt (@Rebelest) October 10, 2012
Right. And I’m sure the vituperative jackasses who’ve been persecuting her and other outspoken feminists in the atheosphere for years because they dared to speak out against gender inequality have nothing to do with the origins of all this “drama” in the first place. Maybe Colquitt ought to follow his own advice, as soon as he finishes ripping up his humanity card. It’s clearly of little use to him.
Of course, the reality, as Jen herself notes, is that chances are none of these poisonous toadies actually give the slightest rat’s ass about homeless or mentally ill people, much less Masturbating Homeless Guy. They would almost certainly react the same way Jen did if they came across some random vagrant flouting his junk for the world to see – by leaving a passing complaint or two on the Internet. Instead, they just saw Jen’s original tweet as their latest excuse to jump on something perfectly innocent she said and mangle the ever-loving fuck out of it until they could hold up its torn, desecrated remains as a new rallying call for other moral degenerates in the area to join them in their neverending dick-wagging contest. And there is no greater proof of this than the sheer, unbridled venom they spray towards anyone who dares to tell them how badly they’re behaving.
Will there ever come a day where I won’t be so embarrassed by other members of my species as to wish science would hurry up and find a way to divorce myself from humanity altogether?