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So it turns out that little shake I tweeted about last night actually was a 4.5 quake that hit the region. [pictured] It’s only the second earthquake I remember feeling. The important thing is everyone’s okay [pictured].
Newsweek derps again, publishes doctor’s typical “experience with the afterlife” as proof that “heaven is real”. Rational thinkers everywhere facepalm.
Swedish school lunch lady ordered to make her food less good to avoid making students at other schools jealous. Because that’s the real problem – cafeteria food that’s too tasty.
(via @RadleyBalko)
PETA attacks Pokémon for encouraging animal cruelty (!), succeed in “wast[ing] everybody’s time while simultaneously proving [they] don’t know what the hell [they]’re talking about. Again”.
And finally, Cracked.com reveals a few key details that were (in)conveniently left out of big news stories. (Spoilers: Vioxx is awesome and Hooker Chemical is an innocent scapegoat.)
If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.