Monday, May 14, 2012

Doggycide in Columbus, Ohio

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Dog chalk outline

Another day, another dead dog at the wrong address:

According to the owner, Amber, who did not want to use her last name, police showed up at her south Columbus home thinking there was a domestic dispute.

The dispute ended up being at the house next door, 10TV’s Justin Moss reported.

According to police, when a man answered the door at the house, a 5-year-old pitbull ran outside at the officer.

The officer said that he was forced to shoot the dog.

“It’s an elevated porch,” Columbus police Lt. Dave Hughes said. “The officer took a couple of steps back, when the dog was coming at him, and he shot twice. The dog was basically right at his feet.”

Amber said that the man was holding their dog by its collar.

Amber said that the dog had to be put down.

We really need to start getting these events on video to eliminate all that convenient confusion about what happens.

(via @radleybalko)

Doggycide Bingo card
[full size (514×625)]

Doggycide Bingo Index

Confirmed hits:

  • Dead dog
  • Cop shot first
  • Wrong address
  • No discipline taken against shooter
  • Owner claims cop grabbed dog before killing it
  • “It’s an unfortunate situation” that a family pet was slaughtered
  • Total: 6/25
    Four-in-a-row, but no bingo.