Thursday, February 16, 2012

Daily Blend: Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rep. Kim Pearson (R-IA)
Rep. Kim Pearson (R-IA)

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  • Iowa Rep. Kim Pearson [pictured] (R) introduces most extreme anti-abortion bill yet, outlawing all abortions and sentencing doctors to life in prison.

  • Chicken-farming, Matrix-style. Or, how to turn meat-lovers into vegetarians.
    (via The Daily Grail)

  • [The Girl Scouts] were encouraging girls to embrace whoever they were; it didn't matter what choices they made, as long as they were true to themselves. That was a concern.
    (via Joe. My. God.)

  • Whoa. 80% of Tasmanian devils have been wiped out by cancer; scientists doing what they can to save the rest.

  • Anthropomorphic tumor Ted Nugent’s top 10 greatest hits. How telling it is that conservative groups are eager to host him. (Or The Simpsons.)

  • And another one: Anti-gay conservative radio host Michael Berry investigated for hit & run after leaving a drag show at a gay bar.
    (via Joe. My. God.)

  • 6 Terrifying User Agreements You've Probably Accepted.

  • Americans love Canada. (Sitting in a tree?)

  • If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.