The tireless chronicler of Right-wing nuttiness that is Right Wing Watch now offers us a glimpse at what life in the United States would be like if the American Family Association’s Director of Issues Analysis and bigot’s bigot, Bryan Fischer, had his way [sans links]:
Last week Bryan Fischer announced his support for laws banning profanity and blasphemy and followed that up over the weekend with a Tweet calling for laws banning fornication and adultery:
And this got me thinking about what life in America would look like if Bryan Fischer got his way:
- Muslims would be banned from serving in the armed forces.
- Muslims would be banned from immigrating to the United States.
- Muslims citizens would be charged with treason and deported.
- Muslims would be banned from building mosques.
- Muslims would be denied all First Amendment protections.
- Muslims would be prohibited from forming student associations.
- Muslims would be required to convert to Christianity.
- Welfare would be denied to African Americans who "rut like rabbits."
- Medicare and Social Security would be eliminated as "ungodly."
- Religious tests for serving in public office would be allowed, especially for Mormons.
- Homosexuality would be illegal.
- Gays would be treated as criminals.
- Gays would be banned from serving in public office.
- Gays and unmarried women would be banned from serving as teachers.
- Children would be ready for work and marriage at age 16.
- Married couples would be expected to have a minimum of three children.
- Bears would be shot on sight.
Sounds like a few countries we hear of quite often, doesn’t it? Only, it’s not Christian supremacists who are in power, there.