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Sample Natural Harvest soufflé That glaze is not what you think it is (or anything you’d want it to be) |
On today’s menu of depravity: all-too-natural foods, extra-kinky smut, and plenty of bigotry. Eh, the first two are good types of debauchery. Get sinning!
Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy examines the Christian Ten Commandments and which modern (US) laws, if any, truly have a verifiable foundation in Christian theology. I’m surprised he conceded as much as he did. The fact that both the Ten Commandments and our modern laws expressly forbid acts such as murder and theft doesn’t mean the latter is rooted in the former, but merely that they have common grounds without necessarily being linked. I stand by my previous assertion: no modern law – in the US or Canada, at least – as any concrete basis in Christian theology, or any other religion. And we’re all the better for it.
The Irish Catholic Church’s new plan to foster better PR: more dogma to “clamp down on liberal secular opinion”! Damn those seculur libruls and all their conniving, conspiring, brainwashing, law-breaking, woman-oppressing, child-molesting – oh, wait …
(via Pharyngula)Same old story: Jehovah’s Witness kid rushed to the hospital, requires life-saving blood transfusion, denied care because of religious beliefs, dies. Except that this time, it was the kid’s own decision. However, as I’ve stated before, I don’t give a crap what minors believe: they need to get proper medical care, at least until they’re legally adult and can throw all that scientifically-proven medicine away as they see fit.
(via Friendly Atheist)Get a load of this: the US Conference of Catholic Bishops – okay – reacts to the passage of a new anti-discrimination bill that would prohibit anti-gay discrimination – uh-huh – by sending an official letter that states – you ready for this? – their opposition to the bill! I know, right? How shocking!
(via Dispatches From the Culture Wars)Nanny State of Europe shoots for the moon, misses, instead settles for logging every Google search for two years. Okay, that’s just fucking wrong. I’d like my searches for gay furry smut[NSFW] to go unnoticed, thank you. (And you know I had to link to that for realz.) (And now you have to click that out of curiosity. I know, I’m a bastard.)
(via The Daily Grail)Hemant Mehta (Friendly Atheist) shares his own disagreement with Pat Condell’s fiery rant against the proposed “Ground Zero mosque”. (See my previous mention on the matter, here.)
A happy ending to the Arizona school mural racism affair: first, racist and moronic city councilman and talk show host Steve Blair, who started the whole thing, gets fired. Now, it’s confirmed that the mural will remain unchanged after all. It damn well better.
Gay exorcisms – in the US. Beyond baffling.
(via @religionnews)FDA apparently considering approving a “Plan C” pill that would be even more effective than “Plan B”. Please please please please please
(via Diaphanitas)The pictures BP doesn’t want you to see, part two. Also, this.
(via @todayspolitics)Goddammit, now I will never look at creamy foods [pictured] the same way again. Stupid pervy humans!
As always, if you have any story suggestions, feel free to send them in.