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Al-Qaeda ought to do humanity a service for once and declare jihad against TV commercials. And Internet pop-ups.
Bradley Byrne (R-Alabama), gubernatorial hopeful, confronts attack adds claiming he believes some parts of the Bible aren’t meant literally and that he supports in evolution. He responds by defending these rightful beliefs. … Just kidding!: He asserts his full faith in the Bible and supports pushing Creationism in public school science classrooms. He had to go full Wingnut Mode.
(via Friendly Atheist)Because every little detail counts.
(via The Agitator)They forgot about the wanton doggycide.
(via The Agitator)Maybe when every building façade is plastered with surveillance cameras, he’ll understand it just doesn’t freaking work.
(via The Agitator)I admit to having somewhat mixed feelings about how the controversial Mojave Desert cross symbolizing the WWI dead has been stolen by as-of-yet unidentified culprits. On the one hand, that cross was a violation of the Establishment Clause and shouldn’t have been there to begin with, so I’m certainly not bemoaning its disappearance; but on the other, I believe in the rule of justice and just tearing things down for whatever reason is plainly wrong. I really hope it’s not atheists who took it down – talk about giving the rest of us a bad name.
Add a new one to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s record of excellence: she has now struck down a school district’s ethnic studies program over predictably bullshit reasons.
(via @todayspolitics)
As always, if you have any story suggestions, feel free to send them in.