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07: Favorite topics • 08: New feature(s) • 09: Appreciation • 10: Miscellaneous feedback
07 – Which are your favorite topics on Preliator?
A blogger likes to know what is appreciated and what should be forgone.
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“Social/political commentary”: 17.57% (13) / “Atheism”: 13.51% (10) / “Rants against religion”: 13.51% (10) / “Badmouthing stupid and/or vile people”: 12.16% (9) / “Evolution vs. Creationism”: 12.16% (9) / “Science news & discoveries”: 10.81% (8) / “Random interesting stuff”: 9.46% (7) / “Animal photos”: 6.76% (5) / “Technology & cool gadgets”: 4.05% (3) [click for full size] |
This being an atheist political blog (of sorts), seeing social/political commentary, atheism and anti-religious rants at the top of the list is only normal (though still pleasing). I also like how many people seem to enjoy my little petulant rants against idiots, bigots and ignorant fools; what can I say? I like speaking out against injustices and stupidity, and when people fall into my crosshairs, well …
I was also pleased to see how some do enjoy my little bits of random interesting news, along with my animal photos (such as my Friday Canine series). I’m really rather easily impressed and amused by fancy scientific gadgetry, technological innovations – and cute fuzzy critters – so it’s only natural I blog them as I do, of course.
08 – What new feature(s) (if any) would you like to see added to Preliator?
Now for data that is both interesting, and practical (multiple answers were allowed):
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“Unsure/None”: 25% (6) / “More of my works (music, art, stories, etc.)”: 16.67% (4) / “Daily link dumps of (random) interesting stuff”: 16.67% (4) / “Ability to rate posts (star ratings, 1–5)”: 16.67 (4) / “More polls”: 12.5% (3) / “More contests”: 8.33% (2) / “Other”: 4.17% (1) [click for full size] |
Other answers:
- More reviews
The first thing that struck me was how most seemed to like the blog enough as it is, with no changes or additions (or subtractions). What struck me as even more interesting is how the feature that was voted for the most is actually for me to share more of my art and miscellaneous works. Considering how many people voted for this, though, I think next time I’ll have people vote for what kinds of stuff they’d like to see from me. =P Still, though, rather pleasing. At least I know some people actually do want to see, read and hear what I come up with, which is flattering (if still a bit unsettling that anyone could be interested in my stuff. xD)
People also voted for more daily link dumps, posts where I would just link to a variety of semi-interesting bits of news and random cool stuff I come across on my journeys across the Interwebz. Truth be told, a large amount of the cool, interesting and otherwise useful things I come across on the web, I don’t blog about (or even tweet), so compiling these little lists would certainly add some variety. I’ll see how I figure this out.
People also voted for their own ability to vote and rate my posts, using Blogger’s own post-rating feature. Thing is, I’d actually activated this a short while back, but no-one ever seemed to use them, so I figured I’d remove them until or unless traffic picked up a bit. It would seem that time has come. I shall therefore reinstall the ratings feature soon after posting this.
Finally, some also voiced their desire to hold polls and contests for the Preliator community. Tell you what: consider this an open thread to suggest, discuss and debate whatever interesting and fun activities, contests and polls you’d like me to set up. I might prove amenable. ;-) (Sidenote: you’ll notice I’ve recently enabled polls in the comments, so commenters can create little mini-polls if they wish. Neat, huh? And to think I ever wanted to leave IntenseDebate … What was I on? (Other than fairy dust?))
As for a certain someone’s request for more reviews … I’ll consider it, definitely, but to be honest, the mood for full-length, 800-words-plus reviews is really unpredictable at best; I could do ten in a row and then not write a single one in three years. It really depends on my moods, and my interest in expressing my sentiments towards whatever films, books or games I’ve experienced lately.
(PS – Wolfman sucks.)
09 – What is your overall appreciation of Preliator?
The big question, isn’t it?
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“Good (7/10)”: 38.89% (7) / “Excellent (9/10)”: 33.33% (6) / “Very good (8/10)”: 22.22% (4) / “Okay (6/10)”: 5.56% (1) [click for full size] |
Well, this rather speaks for itself, I believe. I’m POPULAR! ★_★
10 – Any miscellaneous suggestions or feedback?
Now, for what promised to be the most interesting part of the survey, where people could just write in whatever they wanted, anything from unadulterated love to vendettas against my family. Here’s some of the most interesting things I’ve received (from my totally arbitrary scale of interesting things):
I just wish you'd blog more on things we don't see on Pharyngula, Friendly Atheist, etc.
Aye, that is a weakness of mine; I do tend to basically just take stories from others and pass my own comments and judgment. But then, that’s essentially what commentary blogs do: take stories and pass comments. Although, to be honest, stories from Pharyngula and Friendly Atheist count for a very small part of what I blog about in general; I do think I’m quite varied in what I touch on, from politics to atheism with religion, science, animals and all manners of general wackaloonery in between.
Though, if you readers really do want some more variety, perhaps by suggesting some topics now and then … ;-)
More boobs.
jk. I think there are enough of them on the interwebs.
Oh, you. The Internet could always use more boobs. And if I must be the one to provide, then …
… Actually, probably not such a good idea. =P
The anger and the snark are why I keep coming back. Keep it up.
Snark is the socio-political commentator’s lifeblood, after all. Though, I can’t say as much about “anger”; to be honest, as petulant as I may sound at times, I rarely ever get actually angry; mostly just a bit irritated or exasperated. Most of what I write is based on principle and idealism, to be honest.
No I enjoy your blog immensly for its varied content - keep it up.
You should have asked where in the world your readers come from though - me - Edinburgh, UK
I originally thought of inserting such a question, but the basic PollDaddy account limits one’s options to a maximum of ten questions per survey, sadly enough, and the others basically outranked it in terms of how important I thought it was that they be in the survey. However, I don’t really need to ask where responders come from, as PollDaddy automatically notes a responder’s country of origin. Here’s a graph of responders by country:
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“United States”: 50% (9) / “Canada”: 17% (3) / “United Kingdom”: 11% (2) / “Germany”: 6% (1) / “Greece”: 11% (1) / “Italy”: 11% (1) / “Unknown”: 11% (1) [click for full size] |
I do wonder who apparently comes from “nowhere” …
However, as much as people voted for my badmouthing of stupid and/or vile people as a quality of the blog’s, some feel differently. However, having originally written that bit, I’ve decided it’s good and distinct (and long) enough to form its own separate post, so instead, I’ll finish off the miscellaneous feedback with this:
Great blog, 1st or second place I go to every night.
Not that it’s particularly relevant or thought-provoking; it just makes me smile. Yeah, as I said: easily amused (or flattered) …
That’s really just about it for the Preliator February 2010 Survey. Again, I wish to extend my great appreciation for everyone who took the time to fill out the questionnaire and tell me a bit about themselves and their thoughts on this blog. A blog’s community is a major part of its success, and even though this hole-in-the-wall is still fledgling by any standards, to know that that many people out there actually follow what I have to say truly is very touching. (And certainly can’t do wonders for my ego.) And to hear your thoughts about the blog, even (or especially) from those who don’t choose to leave comments, is quite the gratifying experience.
Anyway, I’m not gonna get all gushy-mushy on you. Now to return to regular blogging … Jesus, I’ve spent the entire day since 9-freaking-AM on this thing. xD Meanwhile, feel free to leave any and all feedback you may have in the comments. It’s nice to hear from y’all … Come on, lurkers, I know you’re out there! Just drop a line and say “hi”. =)