Monday, February 01, 2010

What happens when a little antelope is captured by three mature cheetahs …?

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How’s this for one of those things-you-don’t-see-every-day?

Cheetahs playing with little impala

Reactions towards this unusual scene vary between the “D’awww!” and “how odd!” varieties, and with good reason, considering little antelopes like that usually make for little more than a quick snack for cheetahs like these. It would seem, at first, that the three cheetah brothers simply weren’t hungry as they chased down and captured the little impala … and then began playing with it, pawing at its head and nuzzling it.

You can watch their tale develop through the photos: first, the little impala returns their graciousness with an affectionate nuzzling:

Little impala nuzzling a cheetah

Then, a friendly goodbye lick:

Cheetah licking a little impala

And finally, the little scamp rushes off, presumably to join mommy or something:

Little impala scampering off

So cute, no?

… Well, sadly, this cute story does have an unhappy ending. At least, according to commenter Alexandra Rose (posted 01/02/10 @02:59) at the Daily Mail source article, who dug this info up:

Straight off the Biosphoto website.... take a look at the caption:

Image numéro : 916787
Copyright : Biosphoto / Michel & Christine Denis-Huot
Title : Three young brothers Cheetahs eating a young Impala Kenya
Caption : After playing with the young Impala, Cheetah brothers have killed it and eaten.

Sounds legit to me. Too bad. =(

Update: (2:38 PM) – And here’s more confirmation that it just didn’t all that well for the little impala. Dang predators. (via Joel P. in the comments.)

(via The Daily Grail)