Monday, February 15, 2010

FAIL Quote of the Day: “Joe the Plumber” turns on McCain

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Joe the Plumber in a suit
A suit doesn’t make you look smarter or more interesting, Joe. Go back to toilets

From Joe the (not) Plumber, who’s dutifully follows in step with the GOP and has taken up whining:

"I don’t owe him s—. He really screwed my life up, is how I look at it," Joe -- aka Samuel Wurzelbacher -- said of John McCain in an interview with Pennsylvania public radio correspondent Scott Detrow.

"McCain was trying to use me. I happened to be the face of middle Americans. It was a ploy."

I got news for you, Joe (or is it Sam?). You were never the “face of middle Americans”. The only thing you were ever symbolic of was a desperately needy conservative political party’s harebrained attempt at looking as though it were “in touch with the common people” by thrusting a random idiot into the limelight and then watching him commit media suicide by repeating canard after stupid old canard. Yours is a face of embarrassment for America, and nothing more.

Joe/Sam the (not) Plumber, your continued thinking that you have any relevance in the media or politics and that you have anything of substance to say, your amusing naivete in being surprised at the revelation that politicians use people as rocks upon which they boost their own images and credibility, and especially, that you believe you’re actually a frontman for the Average Joe (pun certainly not intended) when you are a quasi-unrivaled failure, is why you FAIL.