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Let it never be said that Vox Day is any sort of an authority on anything remotely morality or ethically related:
No worries, it's just evolution in action:
Three faculty members at the University of Alabama in Huntsville were shot to death, and three other people were seriously wounded at a biology faculty meeting on Friday afternoon, university officials said. The Associated Press reported that a biology professor, identified as Amy Bishop, was charged with murder.
Since we've been informed so many times that scientists are trained to be rational and objective, and that science is what scientists do, it is clear that Prof. Bishop's actions should be considered an experiment in natural selection rather than a crime. For as we know from the regrettable slanders stemming from Hackergate, no scientist would ever do something terrible like invent data, much less shoot anyone, in the tawdry, unscientific pursuit of filthy lucre.
I know it should disgust me that anyone could possess the mixture of sheer hatred and stupidity to say such incredibly vile and imbecilic things, but then again, this comes from Vox Day, that slimy, misogynistic, hate-filled, scientifically-illiterate and endlessly dishonest morally-bankrupt ghoul who almost seems to make it his life’s duty to be the subject of as many of my Stupid/FAIL Quote of the Day segments as humanly possible. And when you add the fact that he casually, almost proudly, boasts of how he would gladly kill untold numbers of babies if only his chosen deity would tell him to … That tells you all you ever need to know about the likes of the Internet Supercrank, Theodore Beale, the most pretentious sack of mashed-up flaming dumbass that ever walked this planet.
Vox Day, your obvious petty amusement in the deaths and suffering of innocent people in this tragic incident, your delight in taking such an tragedy and using it to viciously and mindlessly smear good and honest people, and all this in addition to the profoundly stupid, ignorant and bigoted bullshit you continually spout, is why you so utterly and irremediably FAIL.