Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sarah Palin wants Average Gormless Joe for President

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As if writing the GOP’s basic stances and goals on her hand like a six-year-old wasn’t enough to denote how fundamentally empty-headed Sarah Palin is, she upped the ante when she made any number of dumbass claims (“hopey-changey” … really?), including a comment on how the U.S. “need[s] a Commander-in-Chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern”. Basically, Sarah Palin is advocating that the President of the United States, a man in charge of a massive economy, military force, infrastructure, and over 350 million citizens, should be this guy:

I think that’s a bit of an unfair portrayal of President – um, Governor Schwarzenegger, who so far is one of the most agreeable and sensible Republican leaders I’ve ever heard of. But, the point fits: Sarah Palin would like some authoritative idiot to be at the head of the U.S..

In other words, George Bush with a spine. (For we all know his vertebrae were supplied by the ever-appropriately named Dick Cheney and Sith Lord Karl Rove while he was in office.)

This does raise some worthwhile questions, however, such as: should we require that our elected officials possess a certain IQ (or whatever aptitudes apply) in order to be allowed to, you know, govern people? Should we make cognitive and/or intelligence tests mandatory? Personally, while this does sound like elitism and a form of oligarchy, this is a concept that I would have absolutely no problem supporting. It’s just common sense: anyone placed in charge of people and social, governmental and security systems had better have a minimal amount of brains to be able to do the job correctly. I’d even mirror a suggestion by Martyn Norris over at It’s not that important, but.... that no-one with an IQ under 120 be allowed to serve in a public office. It’s not oppression or discrimination (against what? The unintelligent?), but simple reason. It may be cool to have just anyone be able to rise into the government to lead others, but then, we end up with morons like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, George Bush, and so many others, who end up sinking us into problems on a boat of ignorance and incompetence.

The world leads some more competent leaders. And if some anti-anti-intellectualism is required, then so be it. But, this post has officially lost its path, now.

(via @Martynnorris)