Thursday, December 10, 2009

Olbermann tackles stupid “Obama-hates-Charlie-Brown!” mayor

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Watch as Keith Olbermann practically splutters with incredulity and amusement when he names the ever-so-misnamed Arlington mayor, Russell Wiseman, as his “Worst Person in the World” for his insane rant against Obama’s announcement that he was to send out 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, a speech that aired just before Charlie Brown Christmas Special:

But, wait: if you thought that was good, wait ’til the broadcast from the very next Worst Persons segment where Olbermann crowns Wiseman as the Worst for the second time in a row, a first on the program, when Wiseman ill-advisedly attempted to pass his remarks off as a tongue-in-cheek joke:

‘So, it was a joke? A progressive joke? “The President’s a Muslim, he preempted a Charlie Brown Christmas because it’s got Bible readings in it, his supporters should all move to a Muslim country.” Ha-ha-ha! A joke! A joke, mayor, would be, “You know how stupid the people who think Obama’s a Muslim really are? They’re so stupid, that they think he went on TV at 8 o’clock so he could preempt A Charlie Brown Christmas because it’s got Bible readings in it! I mean, there’re a lot of stupid sons-of-bitches in this country, but those people would have to be so stupid that they’d be serving as the local chairmen of the National Stupid Sons-of-Bitches Club!” That, Mayor Wiseman, is a joke.’

Ya see, that’s why I love Olbermann.

You’ve really got to suck as a mayor when even your city posts a public disclaimer disavowing you and your statements.

The National Stupid Sons-of-Bitches Club is looking for new members, by the way. Know any possible inductees?

(via Friendly Atheist)
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