Monday, November 16, 2009

Your beliefs and customs are your own – so keep ’em that way

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Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man next to Jerusalem Intel company
Jewish cranks vs. Intel

One of the biggest problems with religions is that they tend to give their adherents the impression that, because their way is the One True FaithTM, they can try and decide what others – namely, people of faiths not their own – can or cannot do. Here’s a newsflash, religious people: those who do not subscribe to your beliefs, do not give a damn about your customs and sure as hell can and will not be expected to follow them, just because you do. Especially when demands are as ridiculous as in this report:

JERUSALEM - Intel says it has no plans to close a factory in Jerusalem on Saturdays, despite violent protests by ultra-Orthodox Jews who accuse the chip maker of desecrating the Jewish Sabbath.

Intel spokesman Kobi Bachar says the factory has operated on Saturdays for more than 20 years and it will continue to do so.

“[D]esecrating the Jewish Sabbath”? So, Intel is literally (or metaphorically) taking a steamy dump on a calendar date? Or, is it making microchips programmed to seek out every Saturday on computer calendars and write big red ‘WORK TODAY’s over them? Or, is this just bullshit? Hmm, I wonder. Kudos to Intel for standing up for reason against religious silliness.

You know what I did last Saturday? I cleaned up after my cat (filthy little bugger, that one …), blogged, wrote my stories, composed some music, watched TV, made myself some food and just played it relaxed as I usually do. This is undoubtedly in direct violation of any number of the ridiculous inclusions on the long list of prohibited activities. And I certainly plan to do the exact same thing next Saturday, and even the one after that, too. And, you know what? I hope this offends someone. Because, if you’re self-righteous and crazy enough to be offended by people doing what they want, you deserve to be offended out of your overly tight underwear.

Ultra-Orthodox activists often protest businesses that open on Saturdays.

They say this violates the Jewish day of rest and the sanctity of the holy city.

Here’s the deal, cranks: no-one gives a shit. Practice your own religion and take part in your silly traditions on your own time and stop trying to waste everyone else’s.

(via @religionnews)
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