Friday, October 02, 2009

Wherein Pastor Tom butchers biology, science and intelligence in general

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Once again, an idiot Creationist comes along and says something so offensively stupid that it almost makes me wanna cry (or scream, either way). Referring to the discovery of Ardipithecus Ramidus, another “transitional fossil” in our ancestral lineage that came long before even the famous Lucy, pastor T.Estes of HardTruth has this to say:

Biologists have made a startling discovery; are you ready? They have found what they believe is an ape that climbed trees using all four of its limbs, but could have possible used just it's feet to walk, but they really don't know about that part. Well, are you as amazed as I am? They found a monkey!

Now, you can thank me for exposing you to the sort of idiocy and ignorance that makes your neurons shrivel up and hemorrhage out through your nose and other orifices.

But that’s not all (sadistic, aren’t I?):

But not just any monkey, they believe this monkey could be just as important as Lucy. You know who Lucy is, don't you? Lucy was the amazing monkey who supposedly walked on two feet so she could see above the tall grass. And do you know why she was able to learn how to do this? Because she had to! Pretty cool, huh? I say it's very cool. The other day, I needed to move a piano up a flight of stairs. Of course the piano was too heavy to move by myself, but then I thought, "If Lucy could make herself stand up and walk because she needed to, maybe I could move the piano because I needed too!" Well, it didn't work for me, which just proves how amazing Lucy must have been!

*Bawls incoherently about “evolution not being driven by goals or direction”, “adaptation”, “that’s not how Natural Selection works”, and etc.*

I need a long shower now. Oh, wait, I took one hours ago …

Fine, a bath it is, then. I need something to wash all this stupid off. Pastor T.Estes: taking the arrogance of ignorance to whole new levels. (I was gonna make a demotivational poster here about just that, but I can’t find a picture of Estes. Shame.)