Sunday, October 11, 2009

And you thought a farting iPhone was useless and/or annoying enough …

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Now, here’s even better: conservative talking points, on your iPhone! What better way for conservatives to fight back against liberal oppression than to offer them instant access on their handheld gadgets to all their debunked claims and ridiculous rhetoric?

Say you're discussing the merits of health care policy with a conservative friend, and he pulls out his iPhone and starts thumbing around on it. He's not even paying attention to me, you think, when he looks up, eyes blazing, and fires off some fresh conservative rhetoric.

Your friend has probably purchased the Conservative Talking Points iPhone app, approved by Apple for sale and now available for $1.99 at the app store. It provides users with 250 talking points on everything from "America - The Greatest Nation Ever" to "Out of Control Spending" to ACORN to "Private Industries Taken Over (See Fascism in America)."

"Be armed with the Conservative Talking Points (CTP) iPhone App as your powerful arsenal to debate those emotional and ill-prepared liberals," it advertises in the pre-purchase info provided at the app store. It should make a nice pairing with the Glenn Beck Station Locator app, for anyone who needs to find Glenn Beck on the radio with haste.

Greeaaat. Just what we need: more fodder for stoopid.

But, wanna know what’s really funny about this? This incredibly partisan and biased (and stupid) app was cleared for sale, no problem – yet an innocent liberal iPhone app, iSinglePayer, which served merely to provide statistics on single-payer health care, was originally rejected as it was deemed “politically charged”. It’s since been approved, but nonetheless, no-one come to me and complain about liberalism perfusing through society again when crap like this happens.

Seriously, as if we needed another source of stupidity for those ever-digging conservatives and Republicans. Oy vey.

(via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)
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