Friday, September 04, 2009

The Stutterer, the Cripple and the Faith-Healer

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Here's a little joke that's probably as old as the Earth itself (or my experience on it, at least). You may or may not know it; either way, here it is, translated from French to the best of my ability.

The Stutterer, the Cripple and the Faith-Healer

At a small faith-healing show, the Faith-Healer declares that by summoning God's will, he can cure anyone of anything. Randomly, two "victims" are picked from the audience: Martin, who is forced to walk with crutches due to a crippling leg injury, and Richard, who stutters so badly hardly anyone can understand him when he speaks.

The Faith-Healer states:

"I will now call upon God Almighty to heal both of you of your ailments tonight."

He then directs them into two side-by-side cubicles and closes the doors behind them when they enter, so that the audience cannot see them.

Now, the Faith-Healer turns to Martin the Cripple's cubicle on the right and declares:

"Martin the Cripple, you are now healed of your disability. Throw those crutches away!"

Over the top of the cubicle walls, we see a pair of crutches being thrown away through the air, landing on the floor outside the cubicle.

Finally, the Faith-Healer turns to Richard the Stutterer's cubicle, whips open the door, and declares:

"Richard the Stutterer, you are now healed of your speech impairment. Now, speak!"

And Richard the Stutterer says:

'M-M-Martin j-just f-f-fell!'

Rings true to me. ;-)

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