Saturday, September 12, 2009

See, this is what happens when you're a reasonable member of an intolerant faith

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Todd is a devout Mormon who decided to take a stand and speak out against the corruption and politicization of the LDS Mormon Church that used its own members' money to support Prop 8 and incite others to fight against gays and lesbians who wanted the right to wed. It's always refreshing and pleasing to see that religious people can be reasonable and not be filled with hate and bigotry towards those minorities they don't agree with.

Unfortunately, just as the Mormon Church isn't quite accepting of differences, it's also not really advanced as far as embracing this whole "Freedom of Speech" thing goes. Only two minutes into his discourse, Todd is interrupted by a Mormon Bishop who asks him to step down, cuts his microphone, and has him escorted out.

Hopefully, more and more people will learn from Todd's example and first speak out against the immorality and complete wrongness of their churches, and then, ultimately leave them.

(via Pharyngula)
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