Friday, August 03, 2012

Fail Quote: Fischer explains how porn could incinerate us all!

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Here’s the American Family Association’s arch-crackpot Bryan Fischer, fear-mongering about a recent warning issued to employees of the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency to stop browsing porn on their work computers in case they accidentally download a virus that could compromise the missile defense network:

Transcript: (click the [+/-] to open/close →) []

BRYAN FISCHER: What’re the guys that operating our missile systems doing? They’re looking at pornography. Do not tell me – do not tell me that porn is a victimless crime. It is not. You and I could get incinerated, burned to a crisp, toasted, because some guy’s looking at porn instead of taking care of our missile defense system. Do not tell me it is a victimless crime.

Well, that’s a new one. I’m used to all the same tired prohibitionist claims about how all porn leads to the objectification and subjugation of women and destroys marriages and how it’s all sexual slavery and whatnot (because why use actual, reasonable arguments when you can just spout hysterical nonsense instead?). But I daresay “porn will kill us all with out-of-control nuclear missiles!” is the best I’ve heard, despite best being charitably filed in the “loonybin” section.

(via Right Wing Watch)