Seeing as I don’t exactly keep track of Canadian pop culture much, all I know about Rick Mercer (who’s show I caught once or twice some years back) is that he’s something of our version of Stephen Colbert, though with a bit less persona. But one gimmick of his I do still enjoy now and again is his recurring “Rick’s Rant” segment, and this recent one on the subject of gay teen suicide and homophobic bullying is definitely worth sharing around:
My transcript: (click the [+/-] to expand/collapse →) | [+] |
I think he makes an excellent point: As an adult, even if you don’t go around participating in pride parades (which I personally find rather silly and even somewhat counterproductive, anyway), the very least you could do to make this a better world for LGBT youths is to not remain invisible and silent when injustice is taking place. You don’t have to launch a blog to speak out against homophobia. Who knows how much harm could be prevented if only bullies were told to knock it off every now and then, rather than being allowed to run around with impunity under the false and destructive notion that bullying is just a normal part of childhood. It fucking isn’t. Bullying is abuse, and as long as people actually defend it, nothing will ever change.
Every step in the direction of acceptance and equality is one that’s needed.
(via Joe. My. God.)
Tags: Rick Mercer • The Mercer Report • LGBT youths • gay kids • bullying • Rick's Rant