Rep. Brad Drake (R-FL) |
Rep. Brad Drake (R-FL) [pictured] is “so tired of being humane” to inmates and wants to bring back electric chairs and firing squads (or else “just throw them off the Sunshine Skyway bridge and be done with it”). Oh, my.
Doggycide in Arlington, TX: Cop shoots non-aggressive dog five times as owners and children watch.
(via The Agitator)Today in anti-medicinal marijuana thuggery: Obama administration censors the press and Los Angeles officials force think tank to remove study debunking link between medical pot and crime.
(via The Agitator)More Vox Day classiness. (Original article here.)
Redux: I agree that familial courts (and courts in general) need a revamping, but blaming them for the actions of rampaging madmen is a tad idiotic, now.
If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.
Tags: Brad Drake • capital punishment • electric chair • firing squad • lethal injection • Arlington, TX • Buck Yandle • Bucky • Natalie Yandle • Obama administration • medicinal marijuana • medical marijuana • free press • First Amendment • Department of Justice • DoJ • RAND • Los Angeles, CA • Vox Day • Marisol García • Mexico • Praxedis G Guerrero • Scott Dekraai • Michelle Dekraai • child custody