Monday, September 12, 2011

How not to talk to kids about abortion

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I just had some fun with Catholic mommy-blogger Stacy Trasancos over her anti-gay paranoia, but given that I’ve been suffering from a dearth of suitable blogging material and that Trasancos’s blog is just brimming with snark bait, I thought I’d give y’all one more juicy piece to chew on. How about an amusingly gormless video featuring two creepy robot-voiced “children” things who actually end up equating terminating an unwanted pregnancy with pooping on the carpet? (Seriously.)

My transcript: (click the [+/-] to expand/collapse →) []

GIRL: My mommy told me that she is pro-choice and she hopes I will be that way, too, so I will grow up to protect women’s rights and freedom – only if I choose to, of course.

BOY: What does it mean to be pro-choice?

GIRL: Mommy told me that it means that this is my body and that I do not have to let anyone ever tell me what to do with my body. If something is using my body against my will, then I have the right to remove it whenever I choose if I do not give my explicit and [?] consent for it to use my body. It is my body, my choice.

BOY: [beat] What if your mommy didn’t give consent for you to be in her tummy?

GIRL: I would not have been born.

BOY: That is sad. I’m glad you were born and that you are my friend.

GIRL: Yeah. Mommy says that she wanted me very much. But sometimes, she gets mad at me, too. I think she is confused.

BOY: Why?

GIRL: She tried to potty-train me last week.

BOY: What did you do?

GIRL: I pooped and peed on her new carpet and in her new car because I don’t like to hold it. She told me I should not pee or poop on the floor or in the car, but only on the potty.

BOY: What did you say to her?

GIRL: I told her that I am pro-choice. This is my body and I do not have to let anyone ever tell me what to do with my body. If something is using my body against my will, then I have the right to remove it whenever I choose if I do not give my explicit and [?] consent for it to use my body. It is my body, my choice.

[Boy looks sad/creeped out/something.]

I don’t think making children watch this sort of thing will educate them so much as traumatize them for life. Those things are seriously smack-dab in the pit of Uncanny Valley. And that’s not mentioning their abhorrent, scripted stupidity. Unfortunately, though, I’m too tired at the time of writing this to delve into it any deeper than that, so I leave it to you, dear Preliatorians, to splinter whatever feeble substance is contained within this travesty of a “discussion” about abortion. Should make for a nice dessert.