As New York State draws ever nearer to its final vote on same-sex marriage, Google has decided to reveal where it stands on the issue in an amusing and deceptively subtle manner. Here’s the current main page for any given search:
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It is a timeless question to which there is no good answer [full size (769×267)] |
Nothing remarkable (other than consternation over the first result … I mean, really?). However, if one is to search for “gay marriage”:
Ooh, pretty. And what’s more, it only appears if one searches specifically for “gay marriage”. No other searches, including “same-sex marriage” or the anti-gay favorite, “homosexual marriage” (with or sans sarcastiquotes), will reveal the Pride rainbow. Fun, eh?
I ♥ Google.
(via @todayspolitics and @ggreenwald)
Tags: Google • New York • LGBT Pride