Saturday, December 25, 2010

Daily Blend: Saturday, December 25, 2010 – Christmas!

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Four Power Balance wristband models
Power Balance wristbands

Well, I got two cutesy notebooks and an elegant collection pen. They’re pretty and all (though disassembling and reassembling that pen is about as fun as advanced trigonometry), but seeing how I do all my writing (and everything else) on my computer, their practicality might be a bit limited. How about y’all? Get lots of good and presents and booze and … stuff?

  • Another skeptic win: “Power Balance” magic rubber wristbands [pictured] ordered to issue a wonderfully humiliating retraction admitting their claims are bullshit. Personally, I won’t be happy until they get those damned Q-Ray ads off the air.

  • The newest inductee on Tennessee’s state anti-terrorism list for “terrorism events and suspicious activity”: … The ACLU?
    (via @todayspolitics)

  • FOLLOW-UP: Remember how Pat Robertson shocked the world when he came out against criminalization of marijuana? Apparently, his PR spokesman doesn’t quite agree.
    (via The Agitator)

  • FOLLOW-UP: Google engineer pays $50,000 bail to free Jeremy Marks, who faced years in prison on charges of “lynching” – for videotaping police brutality.
    (via The Agitator)

If you have any story suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send them in.