Why do even intelligent and (presumably) wise people criticize Harry Potter when they obviously haven’t even read the ruddy books? (And, no, seeing the movies doesn’t make one an expert on the HP universe.)
Reddit, circa 1865. And they say social networking is a recent problem? Heh.
(via The Agitator)Meet Kanellos, the Greek protest dog. You know who he must hate? Those government fat cats. (*ducks*)
(via The Agitator)Keep fucking that anti-Obama chicken, Fox.
(via @todayspolitics)Anatomy of the Modern Republican Brain. Simplistic and snarky as hell – I love it.
(via @todayspolitics)This isn’t helping the stereotype of scientists being unimaginative killjoys one bit, you know.
(via @RichardDawkins)
As always, if you have any story suggestions, feel free to send them in.