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As you know, the best way to get a good idea of the true nature of a story is to go right to the source. Well, here’s a taste of just how full of hatred and aggression modern law enforcement has become, twisted into near overzealous insanity by the endless and fundamentally flawed “War on Drugs” – taken right from the thugs in blue themselves.
Over at police, a law enforcement forum for actual police officers, someone posted this report (without a source link) about how Mexican drug gangs are infiltrating the American mainland and creating massive marijuana plantations – right under law enforcement’s nose.
SEQUOIA NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. – Not far from Yosemite's waterfalls and in the middle of California's redwood forests, Mexican drug gangs are quietly commandeering U.S. public land to grow millions of marijuana plants and using smuggled immigrants to cultivate them.
Pot has been grown on public lands for decades, but Mexican traffickers have taken it to a whole new level: using armed guards and trip wires to safeguard sprawling plots that in some cases contain tens of thousands of plants offering a potential yield of more than 30 tons of pot a year.
Local, state and federal agents found about a million more pot plants each year between 2004 and 2008, and authorities say an estimated 75 percent to 90 percent of the new marijuana farms can be linked to Mexican gangs.
Okay, you get that? Sounds like it’s just weed, right?
And yet, judging by these cops’ reactions, you’d think that either they were also kidnapping children or something … or that cops had become completely twisted. Here’s just some of what was said in response, on that very thread:
David Hineline @3:
In the War on Drugs, we need more casualties, not deportees.
GB0610 @6:
[…] But ya, shoot on spot would have been nice.;-)
Sheepdog2009 @7:
Our government is ignoring the fact that we are in a war here at home and are being invaded daily.
M-11 @8:
So who has the lead on cleaning this up? DEA, BLM, Local and state?I ask because I'd like the job...
At that point, someone went in and spoke some sense:
Carbonfiberfoot @10:
You are all aware that a lot of the people working on outposts are women and children with very little of what you would call a 'top down perspective' of the entire situation. They do not reap the benefits, the truly dangerous people who arranged their illegal travel into the country do.Almost every comment so far seemed to be of the 'put a bullet in their head' variety. It comes across as nothing more than simple bloodlust.
Cure the disease, not the symptoms.
Three guesses how he was received for telling the meandering thugs that they sounded like, well, thugs?
David Hineline @11:
The ones who think like you do are the disease, that society needs to cure the most.
BCSD Frank @12:
You're right. We need to seal the border, deploy National Guard units all along the southern border, and have Predator drones patrolling over the desert. Seal off the tunnels, and deport illegals and their families en masse, regardless if they've produced loinfruit in this country, or not. If the parent is illegal, so are the snotlings. Give the INS the right personnel and the right equipment and funding to actually do their job. Fire the slugs that won't. When we happen upon these plantations, call in a close airstrike and take them out, burn their crop, and send in the forestry service to plant trees. Let's definitely cure the disease. You don't wipe out a disease by tiptoeing around it. You wage a war of attrition and you eradicate it. Utterly.
Yeah … that’s obviously totally what he meant.
Then, the cop here who actually has a moral compass, Carbonfiberfoot, returned and reminded these thugs of the oaths they were supposed to be upholding:
Carbonfiberfoot @13:
Law Enforcement Code of EthicsAs a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all persons to liberty, equality and justice.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminal, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.
That’s a nice oath … too bad this is how it’s received and agreed upon:
StudChris @14:
I think I'll go to an IT forum and talk about how all C++ programs must be saved from the evildoers.
codemanski @16:
Are you for REAL??? What code do YOU live by? IF you ever have to deal with the reality of the lowest of the lowest, then perhaps you'll gain a different perspective...but then again, maybe not. Life is safe behind a "firewall" of ignorance isn't it? Just remember, YOU are one among the lives LEO are sworn to safeguard and protect, and if it takes a violent act to do this, then be grateful there are those with the courage and ability to make that decision...without prejudice or animosity!
Nobody @17:
metallica named an album about it, like to hear it? here it go.... kill 'em all
To Serve and to Protect? My fucking ass. Thugs like these are a disgrace to the profession. We can only hope their actions and behavior in the field don’t mirror their thoughts and beliefs, such as those expressed in that thread, or else they ought to be fired, instantly.
It’s still an active thread from what I can tell at the moment of writing this, so check in now and then to see any new bullshit that may’ve been posted. I gotta admit, though, it is nice to catch these bastards red-handed in candid discussion in their own milieu.
(via @todayspolitics)