Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Stupid Quote of the Day: Raising the bar for dumbass arguments against repealing DADT

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U.S. Military propaganda poster for “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Yes, this is an actual poster. Holy fuck

The Obama administration is currently busy dealing with the announced impending overturn of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” – for real this time (and about fucking time) – and as expected, the bigots and assorted wretches are coming out of the woodwork. (See John McCain’s flip-flop on the DADT issue, for example – though, granted, his reasons may be purely political as opposed to personal.) One of these is Duncan Hunter (R-California), whose views and record almost make him look like a right-wing caricature in his own right. Here’s what he had to say about the DADT issue when asked why he didn’t support its repeal, on NPR [I’ve underlined the relevant part, as if it wasn’t evident enough already]:

And I think the folks who have been in the military that have been in these very close situations with each other, there has to be a special bond there. And I think that bond is broken if you open up the military to transgenders, to hermaphrodites, to gays and lesbians.

*anvil of stoopid falls on Joé’s head*

Ow, that really hurt. And not just the metaphorical anvil. Yes, he actually said that repealing DADT would open up the military to, of all things, hermaphrodites.

Even if you ignore the fact that hermaphroditism (ie. having androgynous (neither clearly male nor female) genitalia) isn’t a sexual orientation (one can be a herm whilst being perfectly straight, homosexual, or bisexual) or a lifestyle choice, or the (glaringly obvious) fact that what your groin looks like is of no relevance to your physical or mental abilities, and the fact that DADT only discriminates against “unwanted sexual orientations” as opposed to anything remotely physical …

… That’s still got to be the single stupidest fucking argument for keeping DADT that I’ve ever heard.

(via Fark)