Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh no he didn’t!

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Oh, dear God of all things great and amusing. First, Rachel Maddow denounces Glenn Beck for claiming that the recent massive snowstorm that hit Washington, D.C., somehow contradicted – or even downright disproved – Global Warming. However, Beck then had the gall – and, undoubtedly, the severe lack of judgment – to accuse Maddow of lying, denying that he never said the “Snowpocalypse” was any sort of evidence against Global Warming. Best of all, he chose to make his point by airing a clip of Maddow’s show where she calls him out for denying GW – with her actual argument sneakily edited out.

Understandably, Maddow had a bit of a field day with this.

Sorry, Glennie, but whilst being an ass and a fool on your own show may be one thing, to accuse someone of Rachel Maddow’s caliber of lying, especially when she obviously did not, and to actually use dishonest editing tricks yourself to try and show her lie – that’s just incredibly stupid. You shouldn’t attack those much stronger and smarter than you on false accusations, you know. You might just end up looking … like an ass and a fool.

(via @todayspolitics)