Monday, February 22, 2010

FAIL Quote of the Day: But he’s not a racist!

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From closet racist Rush Limbaugh, talking about a small slip-up made by President Obama during a speech and making some royally dumbass comments:

I’m too lazy to write up a transcript, so let me summarize thusly: Limbaugh plays a clip where Obama mispronounces the word “ask” as “axe” during a speech. The fat jerk then spends the next two minutes blabbering (excruciatingly … slowly …) about how this is what Harry Reid was talking about with “[Black] dialect”, how Obama can apparently turn it on and off, and whether he (Limbaugh) should use “axe” instead of “ask” and see if he’d get beaten up … or something.

This truly represents the essence of Obama’s critics. Even assuming their arguments against Obama aren’t rooted in some form of racism one way or another (though this certainly cannot be said for all, or even most, of them), their methods are always the same: ignore what the President actually means and just focus on whatever you can twist and use to your guise to further promote the notion that the evil Black Commie President is out to get you. (With socialized healthcare.)

However, what’s most ironic of all, of course, is how Limbaugh attacks Obama for being this “clean, crisp, calm, cool, new articulate president”, whereas he spent the last eight years licking the ass of one of the most incompetent, blundering public speakers who ever became President. Truly, all sense of irony is forever lost on the likes of hypocritical and racist oaf, and this, Rush Limbaugh, is why you are such an unmitigated FAILure.

(via @todayspolitics)