Monday, February 15, 2010

Bad cartoons make for good times (and throwaway posts)

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If you happen to read Ray “Banana-man” Comfort’s blog, then you’ll know how every one of his posts comes with a silly little illustration from his pet cartoonist, Richard Gunther. I’ve already commented on how utterly and cringe-inducingly bad these drawings are, as they seem to combine Comfort’s raw ignorance with the drawing abilities of your average four-year-old to create some horrible, horrible mess of stupidity.

However, in the Mustachioed Buffoon’s latest post (which, itself, is of no interest or relevance to this post), we find this particularly amusing little strip that I felt I just had to blog about:

Hard to believe this isn’t actually a caricature, innit?

Well, there you have it. Isn’t that a perfect illustration of Christian “love Jesus!” thinking? Truly, this comic is so incredibly ironic on so many levels that it’s hard to parse. The idea that a person would just instantly, almost magically, believe in Jesus and his supposed sacrifice the very moment he’s informed of this particular faith is just mind-numbing. It’s almost as incredible (literally – “not credible”) as the notion that the convert had somehow not possessed any previous beliefs of his/her own, beliefs that would’ve needed to have been seriously challenged and examined before adopting a new faith. (I would also comment on how it’s just as risible that the newly converted had somehow not heard of Jebus with Christianity being the reigning religion in the world in both numbers and spread, or that they could’ve instantly believed that they, along with the whole bloody world, were created by a man-deity, as is obviously implied … but these are lesser points.)

Why do I bring this up, you may be asking? Because this is a perfect illustration of the typical Christian mindset (or, that is, evangelical Christian, to be more precise). This is the sort of fantasy-like dream world that so many Christians seem to inhabit in their minds: that everyone is a soul waiting to be saved and that the only way to ensure their salvation is to get them to accept Christ. And, of course, the blind expectancy that you just need to tell them about how Jesus is grand and powerful and all lovie-dovey (which I suppose I can’t argue against, at least not when compared to the vulturous monster that the Biblical God is), and *poof*, praise Jebus, they’re saved!

It’s an obvious and almost self-evident fact that far too many Christians share this line of thinking. And while it is true that we’re probably not gonna get anything to change anytime soon, it is fun to point and laugh when we can. Which really is the sole purpose of this post, in the end. (Plus, I just wanted to get some religion-bashing under my belt today. Can’t claim to be a good upstanding atheist if I don’t indulge in deriding people’s beliefs, eh? ;-))