Now, before I say anything: no, this isn’t intended as a study in that ol’ “correlation-does-not-imply-causation” fallacy. Just because some things coincide does not mean that one is necessarily caused by the other, or that they’re even related at all.
Still, though, this chart does provide some interesting information … [click to embiggen, of course]
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Now, I’ll admit I’m not exactly sure how they could pinpoint the levels of general generosity, though it does seem to hammer yet another nail in that coffin for that stupid, unfounded and hateful myth about atheists (and nonreligious folks in general) somehow being less generous or caring than others. As if a lack of a belief in the supernatural somehow equated to one being less sympathetic and compassionate. (But then, those who use such arguments aren’t particularly renown for their logic or common sense, anyway. You hear that, Vox Day, you narcissistic wanker?)
In the end, say what you want … but the fact remains that those rows get progressively redder the higher into religiousness and conservatism you reach, and vice-versa. Most of all, though, the point being hammered home is thus: religiousness does not equate to a better, happier and safer world. It never has.
(via Blag Hag)