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Tried to find a “fundies”-themed poster, but this will have to do |
Thanks to the almost masochistic pleasure that PersonalFailure at Forever in Hell takes in hanging around dens of utter vileness and filth, we now have this clear and, frankly, downright revolting insight into just what fundies believe happens to good and honest people who just don’t believe in the Biblical God – no matter what they do.
I’m not privy to the Rapture Ready forums (and God forbid I should ever even consider joining up at such a disgusting place) so I can’t get the original text or see any original context, but just reading this stuff, I get the idea I don’t really need to. First, the original poster writes thusly:
How does one respond when someone says: "Well where do good people who aren't Christian go? Like Gandhi or Mother Theresa or my atheist friend John who will literally give you the shirt off his back and is the most kind person you'll ever met. Do you expect me to believe that good people like them are all in Hell?" (This is an excerpt from an email a co-worker sent me)
Standard sort of question, I suppose. But here’s what someone – let’s call them True Fundy – wrote in response:
I would say.....as good as people think others may be, or themselves, there is none good but God. Every man must do the will of God, there are no exceptions.I would then wait to see what they'd say. If they would agree with God, or not.
If they had a chance to know G-d and Jesus... Hell. Period. End of story.If they were somehow remotely held away from society and any and all information about their savior, then He will be the judge.It doesnt matter what Ghandi did, he was hindu. It doesnt matter what any person does on this planet for the greater good. If they are not saved by the blood of the lamb, then Hell is their destination.We are not saved through acts or deeds, but through faith in Jesus Christ. His blood covering and attoning for our sins.
It doesnt matter if the man is an athiest, agnostic, asatryu, bahai, buddhist, zoroaster, hedonist, hellenist, follower of any number of pagan religions, hindu, shiek, Jain, or any number of eastern religions... He will go to hell at death, and the final judgement be cast into the lake of fire. No exceptions.He could donate all his worldy goods to the poor. He could help anybody anywhere at anytime. He could become a police officer and fight for victims rights. He could become a politicians and strive to end poverty. He could litterally feed the worlds homeless.... Acts don't mean he will be saved at the end.
Or, shorter True Fundy: as long as you believe in Christ, you could be the evilest baby-killing, rape-murdering America-nuking son-of-a-Nazi that ever existed … and you’d still go right to Heaven when you expired.
Hard to imagine this sort of complete and utter lack of compassion. They say that religion is exacerbated by mental illness[1]; considering the level of disconnect with empathy present in more radical Christians such as fundies, I would suggest studying whether or not psychopathy may have anything to do with it.
(via Forever in Hell)
[1] That is, according to a recent notable study that I just can’t find despite endlessly Googling. If anyone can pull it up, it’d be much appreciated.