Friday, January 08, 2010

Make some space, Cheney, we have a new U.S. traitor

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Rush Limbaugh’s known for toeing the line now and then in his general ignorance and blowhardness, but it seems the odious gasbag decided to screw it with this whole “being reasonable” thing and jumped over the line with a rocket up his ass, all to join Dick Cheney as a second traitor against the United States. How else could you possibly characterize his proclamation that Americans “are at war with [their] own President” and government?

Transcript of the relevant excerpt from Daunting Ideas:

"This President and his party are governing against us. We are at war with our own President, we are at war with our own government. They are the ones standing in the way of the private sector rebounding. They're the ones standing in the way of job creation. Purposely."

Of course, this raises two question. First, one has to wonder who is this “we” that Limbaugh refers to. Of course, the fact that he’s the de facto champion of Faux Newz and teabaggers nationwide means he must be speaking for all groups of simple-minded, ignorant cronies who can’t see a picture of Obama without imagining a tiny little (stupid-looking) mustache.

And second: we must now wonder how long before the South (ie. 90% of teabaggers in America) secedes from its own country and declares war using Bibles and Jesus pistols.

And to think, some countries would have him hanged for such speech.

(via @todayspolitics)