Sunday, December 06, 2009

“No, I’m not crazy or emotionally damaged; I just belong to a total loser”

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Talking animals on TV or in commercials usually creep me out (which usually correlates with the fact that so many of said talking animals are creepily animated), but this one, for the rightful cause of The Shelter Pet Project, just made me chuckle appreciatively.

Stereotypes against mutts are stupid, ill-informed and damaging. If anything, studies show that many mutts (perhaps even most) are actually better than their pure-breed counterparts as they tend to share their pure-breed ancestors’ strengths with few of their weaknesses. And, no, they don’t have to look all mangy, you know. A bath and some lathering will usually fix that. So, please, if you plan to get a new animal and you aren’t fixated on going to a breeder, just head down to your local animal shelter. There’s always gonna be one you like, and who likes you back.

(via The Agitator)
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