Monday, December 07, 2009

Next, atheists will be hating Thanksgiving Day and Easter, just you wait

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It leaves me perpetually incredulous just how obtuse people can be when the obvious nature of simple truths stare them right in the face and yet they still somehow manage to completely miss the friggin’ point. Our latest example is Bill O’Reilly, in a recent segment on the latest generation of bus ads to hit certain cities around America. First, here’s the ad in question, from the American Humanist Association:

Atheist bus ad: “No God? No Problem! Be good for goodness’ sake”
[Click for full size]

Rather clean and harmless, no? It just tells you to be good, not for God or any supernatural force, but for yours’ and others’ sake; ie. not because you have to, or to please whatever deity you may or may not believe in, but because you can. Only a twit would think that such a message in any way derides God, religion, or anything of the sort.

That’s your cue, O’Reilly:

Mind you, the two daft bimbos didn’t fare much better in the reason department, though at least they didn’t seem as inclined to believe that atheists were rabid Christmas-haters who seethe with jealousy at all those Christians and Jews having fun during the holidays.

Much of O’Reilly’s position seems to be that we atheists just hate Christmas as an old American tradition or something. I can’t even begin to understand how that’s supposed to make any freakin’ sense. So, not only are godless people jealous of all those religious folks who enjoy Christmas as the holidays, but now, we’re also haters who have a grudge against American traditions? Seriously, how deranged can one’s view of atheists get?

(Well, it’s still better than believing atheists are evil baby-munchers who are going straight to Hell, I suppose.)

On a final note, I almost have to ask myself if Bill-O was serious or facetious when he claimed that we atheists just hate baby Jesus. I mean … seriously? Does that even merit any response other than rolling one’s eyes in idle exasperation?

(via Friendly Atheist)
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