Wednesday, December 09, 2009

“Most customers are a bit apprehensive at first when they see my smiling face with my razor sharp fingers”

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BOO! It’s the real-life Edward Scissorhands!!

Valentino LoSauro and his Clawz
Mad hairdresser?

Actually, that’s Valentino DeLauro, a perfectly harmless (or so we’re told) hairdresser from Florida who found a better way to trim those locks than with conventional scissors. Talk about adding a new meaning to “fingering”:

A HAIRDRESSER has come up with a cutting edge way of saving time - attaching tiny clippers to the ends of his fingers.

Valentino LoSauro, dubbed the real-life Edward Scissorhands, after the character in the Tim Burton film, is the proud inventor of the 'Clawz'.

He claims his creation helps him cut hair twice as fast as normal scissors.

The inventor from Fort Myers, Florida, USA, said: "The idea came to me in the late 90s.


"It took me a couple of years from the launch of the prototype in around 2001 to become really proficient with them.

"Now though I can motor through hair cuts and they are much quicker than usual scissors. I can't believe the time it took beforehand."

It took Valentino two years to develop his invention and cost him £150,000.

He began selling his 'Clawz' in 2001, and has sold 30,000 pairs at £60 each so far.

I’d still be a tad nervous about letting those things dance around my scalp, but then, I don’t hear Ritchie Sambora of Bon Jovi complaining …

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