Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stupid Quote of the Day: Bachmann makes my brain hurt (again)

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In her recent speech against the healthcare reform bill (HR-3962) on the floor of the House of Reps., Michele Bachmann wore a lei she supposedly got from Hawaii. It seems the pretty flowers have addled her minds, though, considering the incoherent babble she then gave in guise of remarks:

The American people overwhelmingly reject the government takeover of our health care. Last Friday a couple from Hawaii decided the time was so short they needed to get on a plane, come to Washington, to beg their representative to vote no -- from Hawaii. What sacrifices freedom-loving Americans are making to get their government's attention. And how big our government has gotten. They brought me this beautiful, precious lei and I'm reminded that the one who created this lei also created our freedom. Are we so insensible to the high cost our forebearers paid to purchase our freedom? Tonight, would we foolishly bargain those freedoms away? The American people, our forebearers, generations yet unborn are crying out to us tonight, for us to preserve their freedoms. Vote no on the government takeover of health care.

*stares blankly for an hour, trying to understand the relation, if any, between a lei, Hawaii, freedoms from our forebearers, and healthcare reform*

*sizzling sounds as brain overheats*

Quick pointers, though: the majority of Americans do want a public option for healthcare reform. It’s also funnily ironic how she mentions Hawaii, a territory effectively taken from its native inhabitants, in a plea about freedoms. Even moreso, considering both legislators from Hawaii voted for HR-3962. And that’s about all I can comment what Bachmann said, because as for the rest of it …

*return to brain sizzling*

(via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)
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