Saturday, November 14, 2009

I wonder what he is, then?

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Apparently, Glenn Beck isn’t a White guy. Or so he claims not to identify himself as.

(Note: I did my best to try and transcribe below, but there may be some errors.)

BECK: ‘How many people here identify themselves as “African-Americans”?’

[Raised hands in crowd]

Beck: ‘Why?’

GUESTS: ‘It’s interchangeable (“Black”).’

BECK: ‘Why not identify yourselves as “Americans”? I mean, aren’t we all American?’

WOMAN GUEST: ‘Well, [when] you’re Black, you can’t escape that.’

BECK: ‘Yeah, but I don’t identify myself as White, or a White American.’

Someone has identity issues, it seems. Or, is really, really thick.

(Though, seriously, can we abandon the term “African-American” now, please? 99% of African-Americans have no more to do with Africa than I have to do with Scotland; ie.: their ancient ancestors came from there, but their genealogical lines have been as American as anyone else for decades, even centuries.)

(via @todayspolitics)
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