Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sign the petition to free Sarah Kruzan!

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Sarah Kruzan headshot
Sarah Kruzan

One thing I love about having connected this blog to twitter via Twitterfeed is that I sometimes have my post tweets mentioned or commented on. Such as now: @NooYtTwoFive3 has just sent me a tweet with a link to a petition to free Sarah Kruzan, the girl who was sentenced to a life sentence without parole when she was only 16 years behind bars when she shouldn’t have spent a single damned one.

Please, take a few moments from your day and sign the petition here. (Hey, you can even see my comment, #980. Neat.) We all know petitions aren’t exactly the most influential of things, but it would be far worse not to speak out against this gross miscarriage of justice.

There is also a second place you can sign your name, here at this letter. I believe it only applies to Americans, so I’m unfortunately not able to sign, but please, do so if you can.

(via @NooNyTwoFive3)