Saturday, October 10, 2009

End world hunger. Cost: one Vatican

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I used to dislike Sarah Silverman for her role as Ned’s bitchy girlfriend in School of Rock (which is the only role I’ve ever seen her in, incidentally). But, during last night’s Real Time with Bill Maher (which I sadly don’t get), a video was showcased where Silverman, fed up with those endless feed-the-poor-children ads on TV, comes up with a great solution for ending world hunger: sell the Vatican!

Sure, this is just humorous, but I dare anyone to come up with real reasons as to why the Pope shouldn’t sell his massive and ill-gotten riches (which his vows and preaching dictate he shouldn’t even have, anyway) to save all those who suffer from malnutrition across the world. Come on. Just one.

About time that archaic, useless establishment finally did something good for the world, wouldn’t it be?

(via Friendly Atheist)
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